i say we challenge legend.
(very off topic suggestion)
lol well we need to get on a very good role here and start setping up on doing our wars we need to start putting together times and teams
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.
Define 'pro' XD
Eveyone except for the btm 4? hehe
Around 200 games with Revolution
More than 7000 games played with the [MW] tag
Here are our upcoming but undecided wars:
3.Possibly predator... i have no idea if we are so gamer correct me if I am wrong.
Rawr disturbed yes peadator hmm dont know XD and who is good at akkido
im ok in akkido so i will be in the war

Last edited by Gamer4200; Jun 5, 2008 at 01:00 AM.
Play your way to become a better gamer.
Mixed Martial Arts Fight to the fullest.