Nerdy... nerdy... nerdy...


My computer is a gaming rig, so that isnt nerdy, it's outrageously geeky. i dont have any nerdy software, far as i know, just games and their peripherals.

The tao of jeet kune do is a martial arts nerd book, i guess...? but that doesnt really count does it? I'll let the community decide.

I guess i dont really have anything nerdy at all.

My Yamaha keyboard, maybe? is musical talent considered nerdy?

Crap, i dont know!
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
OOO i got another nerdy things a big ass pikachu thats collecting dust in my closet. and zZzZzZzZ over my headboard of my bed on the the sharpie.
A file on my computer filled with Dbz pics that cant be deleted..? Wtf :o
I love MightyMouse <3

A full flight sim set.
Gaming Joysticks, SpeedPads, Mice, etc.
2 monitors.
A gaming rig.
3 Different USB controllers for said rig.
and plenty of Magic/Pokemon/YuGiOh cards.
No troll btw, I can provide pictures.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
about 150+ books. Don't have a car, no TV, not even a book shelf, but fuck me if I dont have an ass ton of books.

EDIT: Also I collect old typewriters. I only have one that could be called "antique" but in total I have 3. Never use them, but I love them.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.