Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by JinxZ View Post
How would a Time traveler kill a reality warper? I just don't see how that would happen. (Not trying to sound rude or anything, but I really can't.)

Also, I believe that reality warpers are: "[Beings] that which [bring] the universe into existence via its imagining." Which does make them the strongest. (As I said above...) However, the strongest power is not necessarily the best power. The best power, (In my opinion.) should bring about the best possible life for the user, and maybe even the rest of the world.

Edit: Doctor powers would be really cool. Going around living life to help others like a hermit.

Reality warpers are beings that alter reality, not create it (unless you want to get into diverging timelines, then they are "creating new realities" but they are not gods of that reality).

Reality warpers are not immortal by design (but in theory could make themselves immortal) and could be the victim of a sneak attack from a time traveller (who could travel to a point before the immortality - potentially crossing timelines) and assassinate the warper, as reality warping is based on perception.

This is assuming of course that time is not cyclical and does not have an origin after the creation of reality

In a sense, a reality warper could "fool-proof" themselves, but that is highly implausible (as it would involve inserting yourself at the origin of reality [which has a basis in time] and making yourself immortal at that very instant, thus preserving yourself as a universal fact). I'm quite sure this is beyond the ability of the traditional reality warper (who can only manipulate the present).

Not to mention the common trait that reality warps are temporary (ergo the name 'warp' rather than 'shift').

i.e. Most reality warpers are not capable of retroactive continuity.

Omnipresence would be up there on my list of "best super powers to have" as you would exist at all points in time and space and thus able to cause or prevent anything from happening, including a reality warp.

Reality warpers are frequently given low intelligence and/or wisdom scores and are rarely aware of their powers or the potential of them. Whereas an omnipotent being would be.

Reality warpers are small time

As an example of what I mean regarding my power being superior. Let's take Mr. Mxyzptlk - arguably the most powerful reality warper featured in comics (only notable weakness is saying his name backwards). He's pretty powerful, yes? Unbeatable you might say. Except to the writer of the comic - whom directs everything mxyzptlk does (and in fact I believe ended up resulting in the death of mxyzptlk): i.e. the imaginer in a solipsistic universe.
Last edited by m0o; Jan 22, 2010 at 05:59 AM.