Nah I lost meh skin on alpine slides (Concrete sledding hills). I was too lightweight and I was going way to fast and just fell off. Just glad I'm still alive and sexy as ever ;o
Originally Posted by Arbalest View Post
When I tripped and hit my forehead on the corner of the wall, I went into the bathroom to check if it left a bruise, and there was a huge gash in my forehead and I was bleeding out of my eyes. I've never felt an adrenalin rush like that in my life.

the same thing happend to me with my nee i triped and hit some open lawn furniture my hand was over my nee cause it hurt i looked at my hand and it was covered in blood i screamed like a girly man and got 14 stitches but next to that is when i stole a lolly pop from a minor league base ball game stand
btw still waiting for some fnaf ones
I was playing Manhunt in a forest with like 30 people and we were like running through thorn bushes and running up trees and jt was so great some people wernt agile enough and ended up running into trees and getting close lined. I won because they gave up in trying to catch me ;) and a lot of them got hurt. I was cut all over and it was amazibg i ran for like 1 hour stright no breaks
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Once I got ran over by a 4-wheeler.... barely felt anything lol had a few cuts one on my leg and one on my arm they wern't that big to get stiches but I got a little scar on my knee naow ;o
~(._.~) | Im a wizard... I swear | (~._.)~
Still looking for poll...
Okay mine is heartbreaking
i was exiting school and i was talking to my grandma over the phone and all the sudden she doesn't say anything SO im like 30min away from my house and i was RUNING SO FAST
i got there in 10min :/ my grandma had a heart attack
Originally Posted by lane12345 View Post
Once I got ran over by a 4-wheeler.... barely felt anything lol had a few cuts one on my leg and one on my arm they wern't that big to get stiches but I got a little scar on my knee naow ;o

Did you not feel anything because of adrenaline or nerve damage or what?

Originally Posted by EnTrance View Post
Okay mine is heartbreaking
i was exiting school and i was talking to my grandma over the phone and all the sudden she doesn't say anything SO im like 30min away from my house and i was RUNING SO FAST
i got there in 10min :/ my grandma had a heart attack

Oh dude that sucks so much. I'm still at the age where I haven't lost any close family, not looking forward to it.

Here's mine, biggest rush by far:
Was at an event in this hall. The thing about it was that it was kinda sunk into the side of a hill with a carpark above it off to the side.

So the hall is on the left and just to the right of it is an undercover verandah type thing. The stairs lead up from there to the carpark area and the stairs are surrounded left and right (longways into the image) with rocks and shrubbery/bushes. So this old couple had rocked up and go to pull into the park but hit the gas instead of the brake.
So they go shooting forwards over the little concrete car stopper thing and halfway down the garden, smashing the aluminum roof and coming to rest half hanging from the roof, part in the garden, front left corner of the car crumpled into the ground. I was just inside the hall and the wall there was pretty much just all glass windows. I don't think they smashed a window but I was about 4 meters away from the whole thing. Yea, the adrenaline was pumping pretty hard but I can only imagine how the old couple felt.

So anyway, no one was injured badly (they got minor cuts and bruises iirc) and insurance covered most of the damages. Yea, that was an experience.
when i won running competition by half walk half run
Or first time i went with my friend airsofting for the first time
Last edited by Saku; Nov 9, 2014 at 07:36 PM.

Apathetic User
When I was playing catch with my buddies, then the ball was thrown near me. I ran towards it while another guy did as well. He was gonna get it but then I sweep kicked his shin causing him to faceplant REAL hard.
Ryan will be remembered.
It was early morning before school started, before one of our final exams, gathered a couple of friends to play futsal, which is football(soccer for you Americans(pfft)) played on a smaller concrete court. So the teams were set up and usually we start the game by taking a shot from the centre of the court, and the kick taker was me. I was known in my school as the hardest kicker, usually no one tries to block my shots to save themselves the sting in the ass. So I took the shot, and as usual it bulleted to the other team's goal. The goalkeeper simply stuck palm up shoulder height to his left, the ball hit his hand, hit the post and went out. Yeah, he saved it, everyone was clapping at how good the shot was, but nobody noticed the goalkeeper laying on the ground, I ran up to him with the intention of saying, "did you see that shot?", but when I arrived, his forearm was 90 degrees.

I quickly lifted him up myself(he weighed much higher than me), that's where adrenaline kicked in cause I know I couldn't carry him 100 metres and then 2 flights of stairs to the medical room.
He turned out fine later on and till this day we joke about why the fuck I carried him when it was his arm that was broken.
Last edited by xlr84life; Nov 12, 2014 at 01:56 PM.
Parkour like you've never seen before: