Nice flow in that one, but maybe try for more than one dm, but I liked it cause you didnt grab at all good job.
┣▇▇▇▇▇▇▇⊐═─ ··.[OSHI]
really nice starter
split cap was really nice, the split punch was nice and clean
all the other dm's were nice
pose was good
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC][-projectv] linkhunter damphir irmantasx cozzakilll clipsall xthemistx masterexploder aero lololerz kameron DONKEY KONG!

They In My Sig Only Because They Are Special. :)
sommer saut - The first backflip was okay, but (imo) I think you lowered your arms when you were a bit too low. Your arms were also quite stiff. The side flip, as I believe it to look like one, was pretty nice, but you were stiff in the knees and that landing was a little awkward. That final masterswipe was pretty smooth and nice. I found this to be the smoothest part of the replay. Nice job.

sinthesis - The opener was a bit strange, and you looked quite stiff. The first boom was nice, but I disliked how you needed the grab. Still, a 4 dm boom is pretty sick. Your arms were also a little stiff. The second kick was a bit stiff, and it has a slight chance of becoming a boom. I disliked the pose because it looked like you kind of held all and just laxed some joints. Still, nice job, but try to do less grab hits, bro. :3 This is good, but you can do better.
Yeah, the pose is a bit weird...But I'm too damn lazy to fix and re-post.
And I grabbed cuz without grabbing, DM'ing is harder. But yeah, my first 4 DM boom.

Anyways, more comments?
I'll comment on the madman, since I suck at tricking, and realism.

It was pretty nice, I liked it until you turned upside down, and started to kick what you could, I think it gives the replay a some kind of random look, where you don't know what you are doing. Also the way how you got into the final pose should have been more dynamic, that raised arm looks pretty much stiff, and looks like you held all there, I would relax all the joints above, and next to the chest if I were you.

I also edited the replay, where I stayed on my feet, and just posed right after the boom, I can post it if you are intrested.
I don't know much about tricking so I wont rate that one.
Now the madman.
The boom was really nice
Second kick looked like it could be bigger
and maybe change the pose when you get time.
It would make the replay look a whole lot nicer lol
9/10 gj
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