
god fuck i love this song, I've been a king crimson fan for years but damn I'm on a loop with this one, if you guys know any song like this (that don't turn into some wacky unrefined prog rock like most Camel ones that start similar to this one) please fuckin post it. Appreciate the good memes.
I've always seen people with King Crimson avatars but never really got interested into listening it, until you posted that song. Since then, I regret not get interested in King Crimson.
Unfortunately, for what I know that song is unique.

I really love this song, but I have to say that it has nothing to do with the style of "I talk to the wind". Enjoy it
Last edited by TananPro; May 10, 2018 at 06:25 AM.
Keep walking
paranoid's a great album although not of my complete liking at this moment of my life, I feel like I need some evolving before completely digesting such kind of music

do u guys dig death grips
To be honest I like Master of Reality better than Paranoid, I mean, all Black Sabbath songs are amazingly good in my opinion but I just like slower songs so I can just feel the melody better.

I did hear about Death Grips, but never actually took the time to give it a listen.
Keep walking
i'm hyped af for DG's new album, the new Streaky single seems a lot more accessible than their previous releases (fucking Steroids mixtape) so I'm seeing an evolution in their style, becoming less frenzy-centric and accepting their inner Ex-Military-esque vibes
if only we had a fucking release date
i liked streaky but a lot of ppl are criticizing them because its "too accessible" and they think the album will be too soft or some shit. streaky will most likely be this album's eh, which was a great single as well, but just more accessible and less chaotic than the rest of bp

they recorded with this guy so theres no way this album wont be retarded in a good way

That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???