Originally Posted by deprav View Post
I think a text that long is actually a mistake snake, people & judge won't bother reading through all of it and get lost between all the clan references only us know. There's nothing more annoying than reading a text and having to check the explainations down the page and get back up to keep reading etc...

A short precise story with just a few details for the atmosphere is largely enough imo, as Bojan said it's not a writting contest ^^


Name : the fl0wer
Title : praestes carnivorae bionicus robustus fl0wer
Once upon-a-time, a cult seeking endless power and knowledge lost themselves in their desires - and as a curse fell upon them, they gave in to the madness as the Goddess of Madness, or so often called Goddes of Wushu, offered them apples from the long-lost eden...
A dark era of death ensued where some brothers turned on each other, some gave in to death and chose their own blades, some sought to feel pain and inflicted it themselves until their bodies couldn't take no-more, and some were already dead... And as the cultists perished, their servants, the immortal Wushu Robots and Wushu Mistresses turned on each other as-well in the cataclysm that ensued.

Those who survived either turned to exile for months, or years. The first survivors to come back where the battle took place found the remains of their dead gods in the middle of the ravaged lands. They came to burry what was left of the gods and men-alike in one single mass-grave, chanting voodoo incantations for days, slowly soaking the ground in their own blood as they chose death over this now barren wasteland.

These foolish men knew nothing of higher plans, nor the seed of corruption that they had held within their bodies ever since they foolishly consumed those apples so long ago; one of these many seeds awakened and as such a fl0wer emerged from the wasteland, magnificent and yet terrifying, with a voracious hunger for flesh and a godly strength just like its creator.
The new guardian of the reviving wushu cult was born. The fl0wer, looking asleep and calm, devouring the inhabitants of the Toriworld who come too close as it guarded the birthplace of it's kind until the end of time.


✔ cultists - we are, clan terminology
✔ wushu - mod we play
X black hand - our leadership positions (too precise, people won't even notice the rank title on our clan page)
✔ flower - we are
wushu robot as machine god - our mascot (also notice the clan user picture)
✔ sacred wushu goddess - aka wushu mistress, our another mascot
✔ grim dark - because it's fun
✔ self destruction - because it's true
✔ death & revival of fl0w (the whole Liquid period ;o)
✔ people leaving for other clans or just quiting toribash

I've all you wanted + a few historical details in just 3 short paragraphs ! I just went light handed on the grim details. Too much grim details and it will get people bored to read through the whole stuff imo

Better or worse?
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
Bojan! we need a second picture with explanation of the elements of the drawing


like other entries have
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
We know ;o it was a joke

Stahp it you're scaring them away D;
Originally Posted by snake View Post


Nice art you get there Boj ;d