it was good The opener was kinda bad but everything was powerful
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
The opener was VERYY awkward as well the split. everything after that was really nice
Really enjoyed the hand spin thingy
Well, I wouldn't have noticed the 70 DMT if it wasn't for the last kick, it was weak yet you got an unusual boom out of it. Don't ever change the DMT to anything less than 100. It will make your replay fake and a lot less interesting.

The opener was really twitchy and weird. I personally don't like replays that start with an early grab like that. The first dm was awkward because you just kicked the air and dmed with your hand. The split looked way too messy because you were too close to Uke. The back kick was cool. You should have finished the replay after that, or at least made the comeback look good.. The "boom" was pretty weak.

Try to grab less in your replays and make the random movement less. And don't ever lower the DMT..
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