School; having to repeat the same thing everyday for 6 hours for 9 months. For the first half of the year I can sort of zone out through it all. After that though, I become restless and it becomes even worse with each and every repetitive day. This year I'm planning on taking up reading, whether it be books or manga, to help avoid this torture. Luckily though, this is my last year of high school and then I'm a free man. Then I'll be getting paid to do the monotony day after day until I die.
wealthy ppl that feel as if they're the best thing alive
faggots who think they're the best thing alive
ppl at my school(who all think they're the best thing alive..)
Everyone who says school needs to go ride a giant fucking dick, you dont know a good thing when you have it. Id kill for a 9-5 work day with weekends, 6 weeks a year of holiday and bullshit bank holidays off.
WickedHayo - you said "you people" as in the group of people who are against hitting women no matter what BECAUSE they were raised that way. However I wasn't raised that way. Which means you stereotyped me (this would be classified under the "other factors" part in your definition of stereotyping) into that group.

gg. Kthxbye.
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post


-patriotic people
Last edited by Lucy; Aug 30, 2012 at 02:36 AM.
I don't exist
-The false understanding of yolo, yolo means go do something good for your life, not be a retard and do retarded things.
-Stupid people in general.

Btw free education AKA school is the most useful thing in your life, seriously if you wouldn't go to school and wouldn't learn anything you would never find a job or have a good life.
I don't say it's fun but it's totally necessary.