Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Belt: Blue
How long have you been playing: 1 month
How active are you: I'm on every day pretty much
Why do you want to join this clan: Well the name is sweet and by the sounds of it , its pretty kewl
Why would we want you? I am good at Aerobatics/Brake Dancing, lol
sup i would like to join
how active=every day
how long played=iv been playing for about 2 or almost 2 month
y would u want to join=cuase this clan looks awsome
y would u want me to join=cause im kool XD and i own. at twin swords wushu and classic and most other stuff
Belt: im a bluebelt
How long have you been playing: bout month and a half
How active are you: i try to play every day (which i do mostly)
Why do you want to join this clan: because omg who wouldn't want to join
Why would we want you? because im good at akkido and joust and im also pretty good at judo.

Evilmonki i know what u did last winter