ohh...i just woke up...what a stupid dream lol...

we were watching some movies with my friends and suddenly room is full of water an TV was still on and i saw my mom in TV and she sayd that nuclear bomb is coming this i was like WTF RUN....under the water LOL!! and then everything gone red and i woke up...
I was in the corner, hiding from someone I don't know then I went to the hallway, some small freak with my mum's face chased me, then I woke up.
The person below is gay
"dream/s"when i was younger it was time to go in for where on the school roof and they fell on me and i woke up"dream/f"
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25k head request- Wiirus
Last night I dreamt I was fighting a war, piloting a small aircraft loosely based on the Blackbird, but only about the size of a helicopter. I dropped out of a larger dropship, like that entry scene in Aliens. Proceded to mow down a lot of soliers on a beach, when I was hit by AA fire, and promptly went down hard. I landed in shallow water, and made my up the coastline behind enemy lines. Ended up getting in a fistfight with soldier, and I'm pretty sure I punched my wall because I woke up with two skinned knuckles.
Last night i dreamt through the entire plot of ''The passion of the Christ" interspersed with appearances from keyboard cat.
I didn't dream last night, but sometimes I have the kind of dreams where I'm playing an awesome game made up by my subconscious, or having a cool experience. Sometimes, my sleeping brain dreams up a pseudo-real game, like, say, I would be playing a game which i think in my dream is Toribash, but it would be nothing like it. Oftentimes, the reason they're so awesome is that they would be impossible in real life. It really sucks because when I wake up, I think, in my groggy, half-asleep mind, that the game is REAL, but then i realize it isn't, which is a bummer.
I dreamed I was playing a game with a friend I haven't seen for years. The game went something like this:
1. Be in a tank
2. Shoot at the other person with your tank

Pretty much like the classic "Scorched Earth" except in 3d.
And then I dreamed that I woke up and was telling people about it. And then I woke up for real
I dreamed that nobody knew who I was. So I went around as if I had never met any of my friends