Raged and typed some fairly bannable words.
Cleaning this up, get your facts straight, its beta, not finished.
The graphics is what it is, deal with it.

Stop fucking up this thread.
Last edited by Dagger; Apr 28, 2012 at 04:38 AM.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Originally Posted by kumi View Post
Hyperrealism is not the same as "good", as I previously said.

Dwarf fortress is a great game, and it is questionable whether graphics could even possibly improve it. Honestly I think it looks good as it is (I play nethack and robot so I can appreciate text based graphics). But it could verywell look quite nice with Heroes of Might and Magic 2 style graphics, or even 8-bit or NES-spec pixel art.

But like I said before, even if you don't /need/ graphics in your games, are you honestly going to sit there and say:
1) 'I do not want the graphics improved because I prefer bad graphics'
2) 'Salem graphics are fine and would not benefit from looking good'
3) 'A game with amazing graphics is equal to or worse than the same game but with shit graphics'
? ? ?

I doubt you would say any of those things honestly, but I suspect Oracle would say them just because he thinks agreeing with me means losing (yes, it seems discussion about a games graphics is a contest to him).

I've said a lot about how horrible Salems graphics are, but let me tell you how it could be. Imagine the graphics of Torchlight or Bastion, a highly stylised painted texture style. In general the textures in Salem are the worst point, they need fixing in almost every aspect - contrast, saturation, form, definition, value. Just look at THIS, there are so many bad points. Look at the texture of the forehead and the different styles used on the clothes, tiles and barrel. Look at the differences in saturation and value between those 3 objects, and again compare the brightness of the background to the character - the character is actually darker! Even the skin tones! What the heck are those tiles even made of? Looks like some kind of glazed clay tiles, but what the heck they are used as city streets? That doesn't make sense! What about that barrel? Some kind of luminescent wood by the looks of things (the lighting is all wrong!). Honestly it looks like a mix of programmer art and stock textures.

You're an idiot in the first half of this post.

You're insistent on basing my argument off of logical fallacies you've committed. I've already sent you a couple pms concerning this so I don't further clutter this thread as it is.

That being said, you finally presented reasoning behind your claim. And there's a simple refutation. You're arguing graphics are bad because the colors are off, yet you explain why they're off in the simplest terms. Just because it's illogical to pave city streets with glazed clay tiles does not mean that you can't do it.

But the simplest question, one that you should of asked first, and saved a ton of grief, was "sid, what quality did you take that screen shot at?"

If he answers low graphics, I'm going to shit a brick laughing my ass off. If he doesn't, I can concede on graphics not being the strong point. That still doesn't mean I approve of you being annoyed by bad graphics mind you. But you're entitled to that opinion, regardless of how poorly it reflects on you.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
I don't even know why there was an argument in the first place. Salem has fine graphics.

Let this be the last of the retarded argument, please.
Originally Posted by kilibarda View Post <------can you please click this?

You're about 5 days too late.
Last edited by Zayex; Apr 28, 2012 at 05:54 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by JellyNinja View Post
Raged and typed some fairly bannable words.
Cleaning this up, get your facts straight, its beta, not finished.
The graphics is what it is, deal with it.

Stop fucking up this thread.

Yes, because it is beta is an excuse to have good graphics. I guess I am not allowed to criticise any part of this game because "its a beta not finished"? No. Even if they announced a complete graphics overhaul for release, that is no reason not to criticise the graphics.

And "deal with it" is not a valid response to criticism...

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post

You make logically fallacies but i refuse to point out even a single example.

I spammed your PM box LOL

INSANELY oversimplification of argument; "tiles are wrong colour"
HILARIOUS attempt to refute "Sid is probably on low graphics"

Makes it clear that I have never played this game.

If those are low graphics then I will concede (apparently I am unable to make a judgement without knowing about sliders)

I reworded your post to demonstrate how ridiculous what you are saying is.

Flaming is completely uncalled for, so was the PMs. We have a thread to discuss this.

It is obvious you have never played the game nor even seen any screenshots or videos from the game (I wouldn't be surprised if sid's screenshot is the only pic you have seen, obviously you skipped over the OP)
Try watching this, it is an official video. Watch that and see if you can't see my points about contrast, saturation, form, definition, value. Just because I used sid's pic as an example doesn't mean it is the only example. Look at the grass and the tiles, hell the "shadows" option makes things look MUCH worse. Look at the polygons and textures on the roof of the barn (house??), and the repeated textures on that cliff (holyshit talk about repeating mistakes that have not been made since the NES era, I thought people learnt to use randomized tilesets and doodads to break up large sections of cliffs! And damn that contrast on a tiling texture is HORRIBLE). Even look at those trees, obviously they never heard of bill-boaring. Look at the unsightly terrain deformations and the overall over-contrasted over-staturated un-focused poor use of contrast. Ugh Salem is practically a textbook example of what NOT to do.

How can a game with such amazing concept art be implemented so poorly. I honestly would not be surprised if this was programmer art. And Jelly I do hope they clean it up by launch.

Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
Let this be the last of the retarded argument, please.

Discussion about a game's graphics are perfectly fine to have in a thread about said game.
Despite what some people think, graphics are a big part of games.
Last edited by kumi; Apr 28, 2012 at 05:58 AM.
1) You don't even know what "flaming" is, so you shouldn't even be acting like you know what's a big part of games ande what isn't.

2) Graphics may be a key feature in most games, but you don't need graphics to have a good game. And graphics don't make a good game, either.

3) You're just talking in circles "omg dis grafiks sux dix nd duh programmuhr shud lyk maek dem better or deyr gaym wil suckxk XDXDXD"

4) Simplification: Good games don't need good or realistic graphics, same as how a millionaire with a ripped body doesn't need a 12 inch dick.
Last edited by Zayex; Apr 28, 2012 at 07:15 AM.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
sid to the rescue

Kumi, you think graphics matter for this type of game, I personally agree with your ideology, but I won't bother reading on your posts. Your opinion is stated, carry on before this becomes any more of a cockslapping competition than it already is, if you don't play the game then it does not relate to you.

The rest of you, despite the way he stated it, he has more or less a point. Disagreeing with someone should not force either party to hate the other's guts.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Isn't alan the only one who got in the beta?

This thread doesn't even have a point anymore

Also sid: I don't hate him, hate is a strong word that requires energy, energy I don't have for the likes of him.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
I got into the beta too, as you can see in page 4 or so, using 40 per post so no idea
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan