Originally Posted by Wolfbank1 View Post
That's not really 'proof', since there is basically no chance that he's telling the truth.

when the boy was in the hospital, he knew where his father was.

Since his father was a paster, he'd go off to pray in secret spots, no one knew where he'd go, not even his wife. And when the son came out of the hospital, he told his dad that he saw him praying in (location not revealed to the public)
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
to me,
the bad after life would be eternal suffering,or just eternity stucked in magma
(suffering again)

paradise would be random fields with lots of flowers on it,in wich you feel as peacefull as...well...someone who's peacefull.
I have a feeling one's afterlife will be judged of their morals throughout their life on earth, at least that is what I was raised with. Makes sense, seeing most positive actions lead to positive results and most negative actions lead to negative results.
Mmhhmmm ... Who wants to hear an uplifted agnostic speech.
And zayex, where'd you read this. Because if it wasn't from yahoo home page, then it's just some bs story somebody made up on the Internet.
Last edited by Wolfbank1; Apr 8, 2011 at 04:44 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I can't really imagine anything, i just figure it'll be nothing, you're conscious one minute, and then nothing happens, you aren't aware, etc.

What i'd like to think would happen is reincarnation, experiencing life in new times, maybe as other species, etc.


Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
when the boy was in the hospital, he knew where his father was.

Since his father was a paster, he'd go off to pray in secret spots, no one knew where he'd go, not even his wife. And when the son came out of the hospital, he told his dad that he saw him praying in (location not revealed to the public)

Ah jeez I think I saw this. My dad made me watch this show that was about a little boy almost dying and also a girl trying to kill herself and then going to hell and back to life. This doesn't prove there is a God, especially when my belief is that when you die you end up in another dimension where everyone else is and your soul goes with like minded people. If you were a cannibalistic rapist, you would go and be with other cannibalistic rapists. If you believed for some reason you were going to hell once you died, you would end up in your own version of hell possibly with other people there. Eventually you would see something was up and move on to the higher part and other people who have done the same. After some time, depending on the person, you would move on further and be reincarnated somewhere else.
Originally Posted by Wolfbank1 View Post
Mmhhmmm ... Who wants to hear an uplifted agnostic speech.
And zayex, where'd you read this. Because if it wasn't from yahoo home page, then it's just some bs story somebody made up on the Internet.

lol it was all over the news and youtube in 2009 or whatever.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
im christain, and i believe in god and heaven. i also beleive that after spending a certain amount of time in heaven [5 years or so] and then you will be reincarnated. if i am reincarnated, i want to become an ostrich. awesomness to the max.
KANKRI: N9! N9, st9p. D9n't t9uch me, I g9t it!