i believe so theres a thread.
looks like that beating we gave you took down your win percentage !

sry 'bout that
genital warriors PLAY NOW!
rape fighting game
Ahh well, I'll try to get it back up

And the thread doesn't say where you send it

I need some advice, what gaia object should I get? I have torso and ghost, and want some more, any help??

And I worked our, if you are going to buy 10k TC using text messaging, but 3 sets of 4K as you get more for a lower price =D
We probably need to come up with a new clan bank. In the old one, all of the tc was sent to meganerd but now he's a bit inactive. Also, there was supposed to be 2642tc in the bank but meganerd only has 830tc...
Lol, he spent it on himself =P

But seriously, I will probably send 2k to get you started.

Any help with the gaia items??
Personally, I don't have any gaia items but if you can check the Clan Shop if you've got tc to spare.

Also, when you hit blue belt, add the [IN-Rookie] tag onto you in-game, ok?
KK, I will do, I'll also post here when I do

Turns out I'm only 9 games from Blue Belt =D

No need to double post. ~Tamer0

I got blue belt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll put [IN-Rookie] on my name in a minute =D
Last edited by Mikeh12; Oct 27, 2008 at 06:39 PM.