pure is short code:

[18:42] <%thepureone> I am taller that you though
[18:42] * Facade hand pyramid of evil contemplation.
[18:42] <%thepureone> < Evil
[18:43] <%thepureone> Bitch pls I am pure
[18:44] <Pv2Caribou> ok lets go like this
[18:45] <Pv2Caribou> pure, query me your height, and facade query me your height
[18:45] <%thepureone> Do what?
[18:45] <%thepureone> I need to get the tape measure
[18:45] <%thepureone> brb
[18:45] <Pv2Caribou> r u fuckin kidding me
[18:45] <Pv2Caribou> you dont know how tall you are
[18:45] <+Facade> I don't know either actually
[18:45] <+Facade> I don't give a fuck anyway
[18:45] <+Facade> I'm not that tall
[18:46] <+Facade> I'm sort of average-ish
[18:46] <%thepureone> Nope
[18:46] <%thepureone> Well I did it
[18:47] <+Facade> inb45'1
[18:47] <%thepureone> nah
[18:47] <+Facade> Inb4 7"6
[18:47] <%thepureone> Nah I am only 17
[18:48] <Pv2Caribou> facade how tall are u
[18:48] <+Facade> I have no idea
[18:48] <Pv2Caribou> ok then, facade wins
[18:48] <%thepureone> XD
[18:48] <%thepureone> K
[18:48] <+Facade> clearly
[18:48] <Pv2Caribou> a.
[18:48] <Pv2Caribou> the front of a building, especially an imposing or decorative one.
[18:48] <Pv2Caribou> b.
[18:48] <Pv2Caribou> any side of a building facing a public way or space and finished accordingly.
[18:48] <Pv2Caribou> even a one story building is atleast 10 ft tall
[18:49] <Pv2Caribou> on average
[18:49] <Pv2Caribou> and since
[18:49] <+Facade> gg
[18:49] <Pv2Caribou> [18:45] <+Facade> I'm not that tall
[18:49] <Pv2Caribou> [18:46] <+Facade> I'm sort of average-ish
[18:49] <%thepureone> lol
[18:49] <Pv2Caribou> i can assume he is 1 to 2 stories tall
[18:49] <%thepureone> LOL
[18:49] <Pv2Caribou> so roughly 10-25 ft
[18:49] <%thepureone> seems about right
[18:49] <Pv2Caribou> depending on the pitch of his roof, etc
[18:49] <%thepureone> gg no re

<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Originally Posted by Orion View Post
<Austi77> And it felt like someone stuck a knife in my toe
<orion> you shouldn't do that
<Austi77> Do what?
<orion> hit it on things, or stab it
<Austi77> I know
<orion> like the dresser
<Austi77> Accident
<orion> still
<orion> don't do it
<Austi77> Well yeah I kicked my dresser because I felt like it
<orion> trollface.jpg
<Austi77> Megusta.png
<orion> coolstorybro.jpg
<Austi77> Ujelly.bmp
<orion> of your toe pain? more like Umad.png
<orion> want me to be an asshole?
<orion> i have the oportunity to make a fun joke
<orion> but you will hate me forever
<Austi77> Go ahead
<orion> i think not
<Austi77> Coneon
<orion> not worth it
<Austi77> I love jokes
<Austi77> Even racist ones
<orion> not this one
<Austi77> Comeon
<orion> eh
<orion> i seriusly think it could offend certain people
<Austi77> Not me
<orion> are you sure?
<Austi77> You've made me to curios to not hear it
<orion> but...
<orion> you have to swear not to take it to seriusly
<Austi77> I wont
<Austi77> I swear
<orion> no matter what
<Austi77> Kk
<orion> are there any types of jokes that offend you
<Austi77> No
<orion> are you sure
<Austi77> Unless....
<Austi77> Jk
<orion> unless?
<orion> no realy
<Austi77> No none
<orion> realy?
<Austi77> It's a joke
<orion> well
<Austi77> I don't take jokes srsly
<orion> it's kind of serius at the same time
<orion> it's funny
<Austi77> Go ahead I'm tired of typing on ipod
<orion> but only if you take it from an angle
<orion> wait remind me why your using an ipod?
<Austi77> Comp broke
<orion> oh yeah
<orion> that suck
<orion> s
<Austi77> Whenever I'm on comp im not at home
<orion> what happened to it?
<orion> maube i can help
<Austi77> The battery was messed up to start with then my bro pushed it of a table 
<orion> oh
<Austi77> And now the batterys fucked
<orion> yeah it's fuckd then
<Austi77> But my parents are to cheap to buy one :p
<orion> lol
<orion> hahaha
<orion> i was just reminded of the joke again
<orion> still wanna here it?
<Austi77> Tell da joke nao!
<orion> allright 
<orion> so
<orion> a man, a pig, a rabi and the pope where
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<orion> ugh
<orion> godamn internet
<Austi77> I thought you pussed out lol
<orion> lol
<Austi77> So anyway
<Austi77> Go on
<orion> no my fuckin comp is just fritzin out on me
<orion> hAVIng A HARd TIme GetTING THE kEyBOard TO 
<orion> -.-
<orion> found the problem
<Austi77> It's next to the 'A' key
<Austi77> Lol
<orion> godamn brother installed something to make the lights on the keyboard flash
<Austi77> Lollplplpoool
<orion> it bacicly turned capsloc on and off
<Austi77> Trollface.jpg
<orion> bacicly yes
<orion> he succeeded massivly
<Austi77> Well tell the joke
<orion> which one was it again
<Austi77> pig rabi
<orion> ooooh
<orion> hahaha
<Austi77> What not
<orion> ok well
<orion> idk
<orion> it's realy not that funny when i think about it
<Austi77> What does it relate to?
<orion> meh
<orion> don't worry about it
<Austi77> Fucking tell the damn joke
<Austi77> I'll fucking die of boredom
<orion> it's realy not that good
<Austi77> Idgaf
<orion> ugh
<orion> fine
<Austi77> Tell it
<orion> i'll tell
<orion> well you ee
<orion> see
<orion> a man, a pig, a rabi and the pope were
<orion> out waking, when they came apon a huge gorge
<orion> walking
<orion> the man loked to the rabi
<orion> looked
<orion> and said
<orion> "thats one huge gorge
<orion> "
<orion> and thats all i got
<Austi77> ???
<orion> the end
<orion> trollface.jpg
<Austi77> You made me wait fucking 1000000 posts for that
<Austi77> Dick
<orion> i don't know about you but i'm laughing my ass off
<orion> i thought it was pretty damn funny
<Austi77> I don't know how that related to me
<orion> oh it didn't
<Austi77> Busting my toe
<orion> just couldn't think of a better time to use it
<Austi77> Then why'd you say you could make a joke
<orion> to do exactly what i did
<orion> set up this magnificant build
<Austi77> Thats not the whole joke
<orion> sure it is
<orion> i was making it up ont he spot
<Austi77> Please tell me it's not
<orion> it simply is
<Austi77> Youve successfully trolled me
<Austi77> Good for you
* orion sips a bit of wine and tips his hat
* orion strokes his curly mustache
way more fun than you can imagine

epic win.. had to comment it.. like.. really.. i lol'd so fucking much
Death is so sure of victory, which gives us a life of advantage
JDeck and Hush are dumbs code:
[23:25] <~Fear> it's only the variations of that homonym and contractions like 'ur' and the usage of numbers to replace morphemes
[23:26] <+Hush> haha
[23:26] <+Hush> you said homo
[23:26] <+JDeck> lmao

Fear is punny code:
[23:44] <&Fear> fuck sham
[23:44] <~JDeck> he never talks to me
[23:44] <~JDeck> ;_;
[23:44] <&Fear> WHAT A SHAM!
[23:44] <&Fear> HAAAAAAAAAAA
Last edited by Fear; Feb 12, 2013 at 12:54 AM.
This isn't particularly funny or anything, but this is the earliest chat log I have of #TLL

Such age

This isn't particularly funny or anything, but this is the earliest chat log I have of #TLL

Such age