I'll ask one thing from this application, Come be a social Butterfly in the Discord and I can give you a little more input!

I'm quite apathetic at this stage!

Killer app tho most folks can't be assed these days so thank you for taking the time
Rythm smells like Cheese
I'd have to second that, It was a great app! But, I'd love to get to know you! Come hang out in discord, of course if you're comfortable doing so!
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!
EliZ Application

- How would you like to be addressed?? (Name, Nickname)

Blargnarth Destoyer of Worlds and God Emperor

- Why is it that you want to join Envy??
Its where the cool kids hang

- How old are you??
I'm this many years old -holds up hands-

- What are some of your pet peeves??
Answering questions with questions

- Do you consider yourself a Chad??

- How long have you played/experience do you have on TB??

- How often are you able to play TB??
Whats tb?

- What's your favorite genre of music?

- How often do you moan into the mic whilst in Discord??

- Favorite show on Netflix, or whatever the fuck you use??
Rythm's cheeks when spying on his cam

- Do you microwave your fries??

- Is a Hotdog a Sandwich??
Is lasagna pasta?

- What's your recent history of Clans?!
R.I.P Boxshu United

- What are your hobbies??
Flirting with (e) members

- What would you like to see be achieved or achieve with Envy??
World conquest, we start with Sweeden

- What type of achievements would you like to see yourself achieve in TB?
Retiring from staff, someone please help me

- Well, Lastly... Please tell us about yourself!
Last edited by EliZ; May 1, 2021 at 05:01 PM.
It's me, the one who stole your sandwich!

Ps. Elmindreda is kinda cute tho :o
haha get rekt typh~min
EliZ: I have a crippling sugar addiction | Elmindreda: eli do be kinda cute tho, hmu sometimes | Typh: Splish splash Aeon is big trash.
Lmao remember when your clan died and since you couldn't get a season two you just redid the same adventure xdddd. SAO got more seasons but you guys just did a firefly.
Lmao whos aeon???| bro I haven't been here in a while.. what's poppin gang - Typh
I will always be proud of how far we got with Boxshu United. Ty all for a wonderful time!~ EliZ
Just because you're beautiful on the inside and out, and have the skills of Gordon Ramsay behind the kitchen! Ima say yes <3
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!
IvoryBlood Application
- How would you like to be addressed?? (Name, Nickname)
Ivory / IvoryBlood / Shibu

- Why is it that you want to join Envy??Relive some former glory days, socialize and chill.

- How old are you??

- What are some of your pet peeves??
Heavy religion, snobby attitudes and spiders.

- Do you consider yourself a Chad??
I consider myself a Chud.

- How long have you played/experience do you have on TB??
I've been playing since 2011, this account since 2014 and peaked in 2015-2016.

- How often are you able to play TB??
Most days, most hours.

- What's your favorite genre of music?
Anything with a good beat, a lot of rap, hyper-pop, funk.

- How often do you moan into the mic whilst in Discord??
Depends on the person. ;)

- Favorite show on Netflix, or whatever the fuck you use??
Not exactly a person to watch shows; but Gotham and Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

- Do you microwave your fries??
Only the ones that are microwave brand- otherwise it's just a disgrace to fries all around.

- Is a Hotdog a Sandwich??
Yes, also a good podcast.

- What's your recent history of Clans?!
I owned a clan called Burnt back in 2015-2016, now disbanded. Won a few clan wars but nothing major.

- What are your hobbies??

- What would you like to see be achieved or achieve with Envy??
Some more enjoyable times on Toribash, possibly a war or two.

- What type of achievements would you like to see yourself achieve in TB?
Full bone-related Tori, or something of the sorts.

- Well, Lastly... Please tell us about yourself!
I am a casual person that due to etiquette training; comes off as a rather serious/strict person. Mind you, I'm not.
I'm not hip with memes but I can sure make a good moment when the times call for it.
Personality can be narrowed down to; Masters Degree in Stupidity and PhD in Not-Being-Fully-Awake.
I really like cats, do send a picture of your local fluffy ball of death towards me, much appreciated.
Apathetic, seems super rushed. I don't know about all of you but I would like some more effort put into the "Why do you want to join" portion of the application.
Turning over a new leaf!
Originally Posted by Dead View Post
Apathetic, seems super rushed. I don't know about all of you but I would like some more effort put into the "Why do you want to join" portion of the application.

Well my reason to join is a simple reason; I've been playing for many years and these past few months I've been much more active. If I'm going to try and continue my former days then I'd like to do that with a group that I could trust in, have fun with and attempt to help with wars when possible.

I've considered other clans but none come quite up to par as Envy. The players are better, the communication is chill and casual and the people behind the players are of the fun variety. If I am denied then I cannot change that opinion; but I hope to continue to improve myself alongside the Envy clan.

I'd also like to apologize if my words come off as apathetic; I can promise you that I don't talk like this in voice chat.
Originally Posted by IvoryBlood View Post
Well my reason to join is a simple reason; I've been playing for many years and these past few months I've been much more active. If I'm going to try and continue my former days then I'd like to do that with a group that I could trust in, have fun with and attempt to help with wars when possible.

I've considered other clans but none come quite up to par as Envy. The players are better, the communication is chill and casual and the people behind the players are of the fun variety. If I am denied then I cannot change that opinion; but I hope to continue to improve myself alongside the Envy clan.

I'd also like to apologize if my words come off as apathetic; I can promise you that I don't talk like this in voice chat.

Much better, I like that you took the criticism well and gave a good reason. For that reason you have my vote. Yes.
Turning over a new leaf!
Farting(I know...)'s App.
-How would you like to be addressed.
Obviously when i was 15 i had a thing for excrement and named myself farting. So that works. when getting to know me you'll eventually refer to me as my real name.

-Why do you wish to join Envy?
I'd like to open up my ignorant mind to the beauties of discord and online friends. (Seriously tho i have no idea what im doing.... help)

-How old are you?
20 about to be 21. I assume you know that im going to potentially be intoxicated when playing BUT ITS FINE!!!

-What are some of your pet peeves?
Children... just Children...

-Do you consider yourself a chad?
Baaasically his older brother

-How long have you played/experience do you have on TB??
Since i was a wee ladd

-How often are you able to play TB??
LITERALLY everyday. People who say they don't have time are making EXCUSES!!!

-What's your favorite genre of music?
PMV..................... 0w0

-How often do you moan into the mic whilst in discord?
Only if you ask nicely 030

-Favorite show on Netflix, or whatever the fuck you use??
I watch anime and when FORCED to out of my will, watch shows with my girlfriend...........

-Is a hotdog a sandwich?
Is a white chick in between two black dudes an oreo?? idkkkkkkk

-Do you microwave your fries??
~Cries in soggy~

-Whats your recent history in clans?!
Nothing recent Only JL early on and stayed forever!

-What are your hobbies
MAD PUSS!!!!!!!

-What would you like to see be achieved or achieve withe Envy.
Potentially WW3, 4, 5, aanndd, 6.

-Well Lastly.... Tell us about yourself!!!
So. Much. Pot....
Originally Posted by Farting123 View Post
-How would you like to be addressed.
Obviously when i was 15 i had a thing for excrement and named myself farting. So that works. when getting to know me you'll eventually refer to me as my real name.

-Why do you wish to join Envy?
I'd like to open up my ignorant mind to the beauties of discord and online friends. (Seriously tho i have no idea what im doing.... help)

-How old are you?
20 about to be 21. I assume you know that im going to potentially be intoxicated when playing BUT ITS FINE!!!

-What are some of your pet peeves?
Children... just Children...

-Do you consider yourself a chad?
Baaasically his older brother

-How long have you played/experience do you have on TB??
Since i was a wee ladd

-How often are you able to play TB??
LITERALLY everyday. People who say they don't have time are making EXCUSES!!!

-What's your favorite genre of music?
PMV..................... 0w0

-How often do you moan into the mic whilst in discord?
Only if you ask nicely 030

-Favorite show on Netflix, or whatever the fuck you use??
I watch anime and when FORCED to out of my will, watch shows with my girlfriend...........

-Is a hotdog a sandwich?
Is a white chick in between two black dudes an oreo?? idkkkkkkk

-Do you microwave your fries??
~Cries in soggy~

-Whats your recent history in clans?!
Nothing recent Only JL early on and stayed forever!

-What are your hobbies
MAD PUSS!!!!!!!

-What would you like to see be achieved or achieve withe Envy.
Potentially WW3, 4, 5, aanndd, 6.

-Well Lastly.... Tell us about yourself!!!
So. Much. Pot....

Can't say I know all to much about you, But would love to get to know you alot more as I am sure many other here would as well. I would suggest you squeeze your way into the discord and get to know everyone here and all that lovely such!

I cant say much else, App was tasty and least you've put the effort in! Apathy till further notice from myself :3
Rythm smells like Cheese