Ouh well vic lets hope you get through this, ik it might be tough but its possible so dont give up!

Well nice to see your still round here upp, always with your long-ass posts, cant wait to read all those stories of what happened in that island.

pss I was before page 1 xD like page 14 in the first mau thread, yeah I've been here for quite some time lol, this year it will be 2 yrs of onso in mau.

yay bquad you didnt miss the 700s page, and you got the 7000 post, damn such spam, 700ish pages and still no official, welp I hope that be4 800 we will have this nice [] in our clan tag (if everything goes as I am expecting)

idk MM just died somehow, tho I think that Latin will take its place now, as the `spanish´ official clan, I might ask them to ally us later, idk, I know a few of them, nice guys overall;

dont worry sciencem if you keep the clan goin gyou will get to the 700 pages too, dont expect to get them in a month tho, it takes quite some time, this thread is almost a year old and lots of ppl have been through it
Onsola, if I am not wrong Flip has over 2000+ pages and still not official, is dying too..
PREPARED FOR A SPAR OR A PARKOUR!, someone can hit me with a steam message if he wants to.

New topic(pls make this topic live for a few pages):

Tell the worst story about hurting yourself
What do I mean is tell a story about something/someone who hurted you, the worst one.

Well since I was a kid I was so dumb, I was walking, then I found a dog eating a bone, well guess what I did, yea, I tryied to steal his bone, well he bited(or I don't know how it is the word, Grammar nazi help me) my left cheek if I am not wrong, well I still have the
scars on my face.
Last edited by Corredor; Mar 27, 2016 at 05:12 PM.
Running away...
Oh well lol seba, emm idk, I was playing handball as the centere guy idk if that's how you call the position, and it was the last 5 mins of the match, the other team was really close to scoring again. One guy was getting ready to throw at the goal and I had the brilliant idea to block the throw. The block was sucessful but I broke my lil finger of my left hand in the process, :v

idk other stupid injury was when I was just a lil kid running in those games you find in plazas and shit. One of those had a wooden floor, with diferent planks, I was running to get to a slide tube and my feet got stuck between to planks. All of a sudden I found myself flying to the ground, landing on my face, it was a tough hit but I didnt bleed/borke anything, I guess I ended up like this after that hit okno

idk something like this

wooden game shit reference

Most stupid injury i had was when i was playing with my bike(��i was younger) ,then i said to my father "look��,ill make epic shit"...
result: the whole fuckin arm was red of blood.
i spinned with the bike,but it throwed me on ground with speed,like it wasnt enought,the bike "runned" in my direction,hiting my head.

I was stupid af
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
stupid injury story? well i have two that are basically the same
so around 2ish years ago my school was having a giant handball tournament, and i was one of the finalists so i was up with all the extremely hard hitters. it was a bracket type system and i won my game a little earlier than the person i was about to face. so kid #1 was still playing and it looked like kid #2 was about to finish off the other person, so after he hit it i got up and started walking onto the court because i had no patience. but it turns out that somehow kid #1 was prepared for this gigantic ass hit by kid #2 and he straight fucking knocked it from about 15feet away, and it hit me straight in the face. lets just say that i couldn't see or talk for about 5-10 minutes.

so this next one actually only happened about two months ago actually. and my school coincidentally also had a huge school wide play thing, but it was capture the flag. so my team had only a couple of athletic kids while the other team was just a power house. so i was rushing to the other side because i was one of about 5 or 6 kids that had a clue how to play. so i was bolting across the field and i actually got the flag and was in the clear to get it back to my teams side and score my team a point. so i was running across the field but then another kid just comes out of nowhere (i don't even think he was trying to stop me) but i accidentally slammed into him. i could see or feel for about 5 seconds. my ears were ringing my eyes were blurry, and it turns out i feel flat on my face without knowing. sadly the other kid had to sit out for the rest of the game (he was way more hurt than me ) luckily he accepted my apology and doesn't hold a grudge against me which is totally what i was expecting him to do
a stupid injury i had was while dancing, during dancing, i was trying to do a scoot or whatever, idk why i want to do that but i tried to and then i fell down, got back up to continue the scoot or spinning-on-knee-kick thingy and then dislocated my knee and hip...
yeah i was pretty dumb back then when i was 11... ._.

Man, i've got a story to tell, but i'll reserve it for later. It would be a terrible inconvenience for you if i told more than one story or as a Lust kindly remarked; "wall of text".

I'll tell you about a few times where i've hurt myself.

Once where when i was, i believe 11 and i was playing football, and i jumped on top of the ball and lost balance, resulting in me falling down and breaking my arm close to the sholder joint. It actually didn't hurt that much, and i didnt't have to have any plaster or anything, so it didn't really bother me.

Another time, which happened when i was 15, or maybe 16 at my MMA training.
We where sparring and i had just before been at the dentist, so i was a bit groggy from all of the anesthesia. It proved a difficult task dodging and blocking, and i was sparring against someone who was verry keen on performing a double jab, which to me in my doozy state was very confusing.
Eventually he just brushed my lower lip, not very hard, but appearantly hard enough to make it rupture and spew out blood. It was painfull as all hell, even more so than when i broke my arm.
I don't know why it hurt so much, but he must have hit a nerve or something. I wish that the anesthesia was still strong enough to dampen the pain, but no. Mostly i was angry over it because it scarred, and i don't like having scars on my face, because it makes one look like a hoodrat. I do not like hoodrats.

I am not mad about it anymore, it's hardly vissible, but at the time it was looking pretty bad. It's more vissible when i've been in the sun, being that i suddenly then have a bright light line going over my lower lip on my slightly browner face.

So i haven't really hurt my self so bad, but i feel sorry for bumble, dislocated knee and hip must be painfull as all fuck.
Because for no reason, lets all post replays here and watch them as a family and cnc them,
also we should vote best replay posted, ill post later since im on my laptop lol

I like the idea, but idk if onsola will let us do it. It might boost up our activity and stuff, but our posts might get worse, they just might post like "Here's my replay" and an attatchment :/

We should ask onsola first
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
also i like elephanicorns with large lobsters and gear from the My little Giraffe
(MLG) SWAG Shop, while there he got a drug giving him Future Awesome Zebra Effect
(FAZE) where he shrekt evrythng nd gt gud wit heis nuscopz nd claptastic thery confirming
Illuminati FTW clen exsted nd was shrekting the clan clled Moon's Artificial Underwear
(MAU) thn seddunley, de legendary Oknulu, Bubblebutt nd ther Senpai Xioi
savd duh dai bai shrektin the Illuminati FTW clen wit noscupz nd drinkn Muntin dew on Duritoz, "duh Illuminati FTW clen waz a nub lol" - Bubblebutt as he was eatin his hair
"okno" - Oknulu while saying his forever universal catchphrase
"neat." - Senpai Xioi after the kill of the Illuminati FTW clen

The Edn

but what if Illuminati FTW clen is not kill?
42/10 -IGN
shrekt our butts.
Last edited by Xenos; Mar 28, 2016 at 03:09 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump