I like them simple ones the best, even though i dont wear them.
Don't worry though, I have the team aikido logo as my icon item.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
What's good?

This thread seems a little dead so I'm here to give it a swift kick in the ass at the order of our friendly neighborhood chicken/duck/pigeon guy. Just kidding he's a rooster with some badass aikido skills.

Anyways, start posting you whores.
Originally Posted by Jaxon View Post
What's good?

This thread seems a little dead so I'm here to give it a swift kick in the ass at the order of our friendly neighborhood chicken/duck/pigeon guy. Just kidding he's a rooster with some badass aikido skills.

Anyways, start posting you whores.

I second this.

How did everybody do on midterms?
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle