Yea jack, you gotta know all our time zones.
Last edited by xGodEnzx; May 6, 2017 at 12:42 PM. Reason: spacing
Alright then, i think we can all agree that July 14th will be the best day. You guys can post at what times you will be available from July 13th - 15th. I, myself, will try to stay awake 48 hours, if i have to, to watch it together. As for the program i'd say skype would do, though i haven't used it in a year, but if someone has found a better free non-sketchy screen-sharing program with voice com.s then please inform me.

Then after we've settled on that, i'd like for everyone to post their internet speed, because to screen-share Boku no Pico and host the voice chat, you'd need a considerably fast internet connection. I , personally, think that i have the least fit connection for the job, as i have had several issues in the past with playing online on toribash, seeing as how the game would take very little bandwidth, i believe i would lose connection during the event or cannot start the screen-sharing all-together. I have posted my connection speed down below, so you can see it yourself.

The Boku No Pico event will last from 1-3 hours (can be changed if you, the participants, want more or less "banter"), during this time i believe it's best to warm up to each other, as the last voice calls went pretty awkwardly, because most of us are introverts who don't like the human kind at all. After we've had enough introductions we'd head straight to the main event, Boku No Pico. After, we could do more, but this is all in the early stages and most likely go without planning. We can also finish up the screen-sharing but stay in voice-coms and play games together, most preferably free ones (rip club penguin). I would also appreciate everyone's input on this.

My internet connection (big image)
hosted on a virtual machine, text chat and voice chat available and you can just google search whatever you want to watch

also im fucking available whenever, not sleeping if i could be watching the chronicles of pico
are you shy? That's cute ;)
Do you guys have discord? So we could make a channel and see if everyone is online. Maybe talk aswell
I'm going to invade your discord aswell.
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