nice to see you alive alex xd it would be ince if you showed up more often but yeah

I think I told you you could post here as long as you werent a dickhead and you didnt spam :/
Idk if we should become allies, I only know you from your clan lol;
and there are other member in the mod squad, some inactive others active

ayy didnt know uy had a brother eki, and ofc didnt know he played tb xd well if he wants he could join mau I guess, idk its up to you actually,
idk that lil spar there was kinda random
I've told him plenty of times to join us, but he says he wants to be part of no clan. He calls himself a lone wolf lol. Who's alex

hey, join mau etc if you want
Well maybe some day he will join a clan idk, how old is he?
aye we did a lil nice mas there, finally we finished a spar dx lets hope some day we make a spar that lasts more than 200 frames lol;

damn when I am on the activity is lower than when I am off ;-;, damn you time zones
Attached Files
mas with eki.rpl (305.7 KB, 2 views)
Yeah, we're random people scattered around the world who dont know each other personally and gather in a gaming forum. What lives.

That spar sucks e.e
Ey it wasnt that bad, I am not so good at mas online, yeah lol I cant mas competitively properly, yeah like 3 misspellings there probably, well idk finished the mod and made a thread for it caue y not you know

so yeah modding ayy, damn who would say we would get 700 pages, the spam, is hard here lol
Nice mod, looks like a dojo of some sort, might be a bit laggy doe(no shit)

and the spamming has payed off, 700 pages doe
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Alright school is making me get out of my pc, also I'm changing, like since I know what the outside is, I play a lot while I'm not in the computer, If I am not playing I'm studying or doing homework, if I am not studying or doing HW I'm playing CSS, Gmod(Steam if someone.. want to play you know) and LoL.

So by that I say I will be inactive as fuck, I will create 2 or 3 post per week, and I will not update the thread that much, every month, lol.


Well nothing much to say, just 2 things.

*Since Master Mind or [MM] is dead is no longer our ally.

*Updated Rank list and some things that are not that important
Running away...
happy 700th pages MAU. *party* happy birthday hooplah! etc.

and me and my brother did some MAS, i pinged T.T
Sorry for certain inactivity today,life is getting even worse for me,mother got mad yesterday,bother scared of everything and a friend died.

Also,great,700 pages...
ive been here since 56 i guess.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Hah! I got the shitty island internet up and running again.
Yeah, this might happen from time to time, but i'll be back wednesday so get ready for that, i will bombard you with the finest stories of my intriguing ego and life here on the little island with shitty internet.

But i suppose i can tell you all about my journey here, so let's start shall we?

So last Thursday i got up at 5:30 a.m. and got ready, since i had packed my bag the day before with mostly everything i could possibly conceivably need, i only needed to pack my tooth brush and some other small hygenic articles. So i got dressed and so forth, then i was off to the train station. Now i live on the west coast, and i was going to a little island far off the main land on the east coast. This would prove a problem, since i had to take a long trip, first accross sweden's main land from west to east, and the half-way through the baltic sea. The first step was traveling the the snobb-haven; stockholm. And boy do i need to tell you what i think of that stinking shithole? It's full of pretentious, sport-jacket wearing neophytes. I am willing to bet you that the collective IQ of all citizens in stockholm is still a two-digit number.
Anyway, i had to take the train there, which left at 7:30 a.m. So i took the tram down to the station and bought myself some snacks, beverage and a Subway sandwich, i don't believe i need to go into such great detail so as to describe what i put on it?
Then i got on the train. The trip took 3 hours, so i spent most of my time practicing artifice.
When it arrived i had about 30 minutes to find the next train that would take me to a small town where the ferry would go from. Being because it was in stockholm of course it was very difficult to find this next train, because the haven't gotten on to the idea of signs that point you to your destination. So i had to ask at a counter. Eventually after some pladder with the plebs i got on the other train, which was a short-distance train in comparison to the previous one.
When it arrived i walked for about 100 meters, and got on the ferry. The second train ride, which had taken an hour to finish dwarfed in the great period of time it took for the ferry; four hours. Luckily there was a table where i sat so i could continue practicing .

When it finally arrived, my dad came to pick me up with his old, blue, used Passat, a car which had deffinetly seen better days.

There, a little treat for you to read to make up for my inactiveness, it'll get better when i reurn, i promise you. I will also then share with you some stories of what has happened on the island.