
Our Dream-Team:

Matharu [✓]
Zwouter [✓]
Parrot [✓]
Bailey []

Our If-someone-in-our-dream-team-cant-or-doesnt-want-to-fight-for-us-those-people-will-be-asked-to-play-with-us-team


READMEORDIE: Those are the people that I thought of that could fight for us. I know that all of the people in our "If-someone-in-our-dream-team-cant-or-doesnt-want-to-fight-for-us-those-people-will-be-asked-to-play-with-us-team" are currently inactive but maybe you guys can contact them anyhow else and make them read this post. I dont want to offend anyone else here that isnt in any of those 2 lists, but I just thought those people are the ones that would like to be in it and would love to kick some asses with me. What I'd like to add is, lets say Parrot doesnt want to fight with us and all of the bois in our "If-someone-in-our-dream-team-cant-or-doesnt-want-to-fight-for-us-those-people-will-be-asked-to-play-with-us-team" are not available, if someone else that is reading this (this person obviously gotta be in Inq, If I wouldnt have said that some losers like Sparky would make one of his funny jokes and ask us if he could fight for us HAHAHHAHA LMAO SPARKY XDDD) would like to fight for us just tell me here and me and the others in our dream-team will see.

If you have questions or see any issues with my system, just answer me here. AND YES SPARKY YOU GOTTA BE IN THIS CLAN TO ADD SUGGESTIONS TO THIS SYSTEM

PS: The mods that will be played are

If ur in one of those 2 lists tell me what mod you're good in, and what mod you're garbage in. We'll have a Skype call or we'll join my teamspeak and talk about all those things and have some training (if needed, we're all pros yo).

as soon as you told me that ur gonna play I'll put a ✓ next to your name so others know ur not dead
Last edited by Matharu; Jun 9, 2016 at 10:26 PM.
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
I'm okay in abd and judofrac, I can rek noobs in lenshu, but CL doesn't have only noobs.
My laptop tends to ping alot, I can use my other laptop to play ingame, it just has 16 fps instead of the 60 this one has.
And eh, I didn't play ingame for a while, and the last time I did it was probably only 1 match, so I gotta train I think.

Last thing, you need 5 people for clan league, this team has 4.
Last edited by zwouter; Jun 9, 2016 at 06:27 PM.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

good luck i guess
In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Matharu, you might want to get some more active backup members... I mean, they're good picks... if they where remotely active :/ :P
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Matharu, you might want to get some more active backup members... I mean, they're good picks... if they where remotely active :/ :P

I'll do so today.
Would you want to join us as well so we're 5?
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again