War won against veal

(MAU) 10 - 9 (veal)

who was:

mod: aikidobigdojo.tbm

Onsola: 4 wins,4 loss.
victortb: 6 wins,4 loss.

Good war,and good games.
Last edited by victortb; Mar 24, 2016 at 02:01 AM.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
aye that war, not the most friendly but still yeah;
I like this idea, whatsmore, the one that has more points by the end of the month wil get 2k, and like that on, do you think its fare? ofc I will give all active members the power to start wars, so yeah enjoy guys ^^
Attached Files
lil spar with vic new.rpl (454.9 KB, 5 views)
i am very rusty at sparring actually,lol.
well,this thread is inactive....strange,just a bit of time ago alot of people was posting.
well,i got a new "uniche" style on replays
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
ugh i need to post more often :P i just either have no idea what you guys are talking about or i can't relate to the topic enough without making a post that would get me an infraction.
also do we have a certain schedule for wars and such because id love to be apart of them. if not could someone participating in it post when its happening on the thread because i do stop by and lurk everydayish.
Hey can someone keep me up to date on everything going on.
Kind of a random post but I need it.
Also 5.0 features... Thanks
i dont know how to stay on topic because im a all out person i useally say anything ok so i cant stay strict on what i say plus if your going to kick me why tho? im just bored because u guys dont play tb with me
Last edited by tetrop; Mar 24, 2016 at 08:16 AM. Reason: extra
FUQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ I forgot about posting here sorry guys, school and playing outside with my friends(havin' life lol)

New theme: In what theory you believe about how life was created in this world?

Well I believe in the chemical theory, check it out in google, I don't want to explain about it because you know, playing LoL
Running away...
YES a topic i can replay to finally!
now because I'm a jew and my sister is going through her bat mitzvah (basically a coming of age thing for girls, bar mitzvah for boys) I've been surrounded in all of the songs and history of the religion. and based on those books (i might be off because i never pay attention) so god was like, 'hey I'm bored' so he decided to make a planet. on the first day he created light, the second the oceans, the third he made food, the fourth he made animals, then something else then something else i could be incredibly wrong so don't take anything i say as fact. then on the seventh day, he said 'I'm tired i deserve a day long nap' and thats why we have Shabbat, a friday night feast thing. then he decided to make humans. Abraham was the first human created by god and he met with a girl (i can't remember her name) and they gave birth to jacob and his brother (can't remember his name either) and those too started the whole 'good and bad' type of deal where jacob was good and other brother was bad.
so the jewish religion is the creationist type of religion
now what i believe in is the thing where a meteor or something hit earth and it was carrying a molecule or something like that (i haven't learned the full story yet) and that crashed in to earth and that molecule started to grow into a bigger molecule, then a fish, then a land mammal, then a human.
was i correct on that? because i have no clue. so conclusion: i don't believe in the way that my religion says the world was created, i believe in the scientific way
well replying to other posts help, and it counts as being on topic so yeah,

ayy seba your alive, lol dat theory basically says that God doesnt exist, yeah looks interesting, do I have any thouhts about it? not really, idk much bout it seems to be a lil bit too complicated, idk its kinda advanced

yay bquad I am kinda in the same place that you, you see I am ``catholic´´ you could say tho I dont belive xd cause when I was younger they gave me the chance to become catholic and I said y not, now I dont even pray so yeah lol I will either go to hell or idk
Last edited by Onsola; Mar 24, 2016 at 03:07 PM.
i am a agnostic atheist,i have my questions,actually i believe a bit on the big bang theory(but i still saying that i have questions about it),in cells and other stuff that got in evolution milions of years later.
i think the christian history of god making the world is interesting,but still having my doubts.
the big bang theory is more real for me,so i still with it.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592