<lumpysolo> ermergerd it's jalis <lumpysolo> love u too jalis <3
<jalis> you are worthless <jalis> ignored for my sanity
Yes to Dashel

Btw, Axel is a pretty sweet name to have imo.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Dashel gets my yes.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
can i join sigma =]
Join date: What date you signed up to the forums.
like hmm july but sense they hacked toribash i have become juior memeber i was a memeber
Belt: What is your current belt and/or qi? We have no belt limit, this just gives an idea of experience.3rdan (almost 4thdan)

References:Who do you know supports you for this entry, as in has actually spoken to you about it or invited you.well nobdy invited me but myself haha

Replays/Art: Please provide some example of your skill in either or both of these art sucks i suck at texture but i still try =]

Favourite mod: Pretty self-explanatory. aikidobigdojo

Why you wish to join: Give us some reasons why you want to join, make an effort.i want to join because i like the clan it seems cool i like the name sigma reminds me of a ninja and that is what i want to be when i grow up a good ninja not a bad a good one sorry if you didn't want to hear that

Why we should let you join: What can you contribute to the clan.i think you should let me in cause i can go to tourneys i be very active on fourm and i like making people happy i have alot of jokes im very like happy alot i don't know why

Do you have access to IRC?: Y/N (You can use webchat but we really prefer you use a legit client).yes i can go on toribash irc i have access but not at toribash but i have access to support and a whole lot of rooms just not the toribash chat room

Past history: Any infractions/bans, past clans you have left.i have been banned from severs because i was i noob before ahh they treated me bad but now im not i kick ass >=)) lol and my past clans are Extreme youcan'tbeat knotz recreaction and thats it =]
Optional: These are not necessary to tell us. However they might help your chances if you tell the truth. hmm to tell you the truth i don't really know what you mean by that but my option is to become the greatest toribash player now and donate 1mill tc to ever toribash player really

Real life Name: First name if you wish, we know a lot of each other’s names, makes things more casual.ahh woo plz don't come to my house and kill me but its ****
Past positions of power: Whether it be moderator on this forum or others, or clan leader/co-leader. Whatever you think fits. i was never co ldr or ldr well in youcan'tbeat cause i made that clan up =]
Other: Anything else you would like to include.well i just want to say thank you if you accpet me andd thanks for reading what i ahd to say including the other stuff and i liek you guys your cool have a good night =] i won't be on till liek 7 or 8;00 tommrow but yeah im gonna go to bed so goodnight=]
Attached Files
head nuckels kicks.rpl (73.9 KB, 6 views)
decap in linkbets.rpl (73.8 KB, 8 views)
XD XD XD.rpl (84.0 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by link8; Jun 27, 2011 at 06:33 PM.