Wow fucking amazing job guys. Way to act like a clan that's mature and respected. (see last post of the "Interested in Joining?" thread).
Ummm... shouldn't Nuramon's achievements be removed? Since He's not in Hive anymore his achievements doesn't count right?
Re: Set request
"Ah, screw the legs, I recoloured the whole set now! I liked the colour combination, so I got curious myself how it would look eventually.

And the usual disclaimer, 256x256 pixel, quality loss when uploaded, you know.
I took elf for the eyes, as that was the only other colour which was mentioned in your post, plus, it fitted. Changing it would be easy, though.

Let me know what you think,

- Fluxit"

Guys I need your help... Is this set worth 300k? Its a reply to my request so it would be nice to know. :s
Very sexy syncro, however if I were you, I would get in the habit of learning to work with 128x128, or atleast when you take screenshots do it in 128x128 so that people can get a feel for how it ACTUALLY looks in game if they were to use it.
(Hive people only, haha!)
I think you misunderstood me Lady. This set was made by Fluxit for my request and I just want to know if it's worth amount of tc i offered (300k that is)
Oh ummm tell him to post pics of it with 128x128, cause those textures look atleast 256 which means when you get it, it will not look as good.

And 300k is a bit high, looks like alot of brushes.. maybe 180k
(Hive people only, haha!)
Originally Posted by LadyDEATH View Post
Oh ummm tell him to post pics of it with 128x128, cause those textures look atleast 256 which means when you get it, it will not look as good.

And 300k is a bit high, looks like alot of brushes.. maybe 180k

I totally agree. You should have made BenDover make the set...