Originally Posted by -Cyri- View Post
Actually yes, corrosive is the most effective against ancients.

Not true, it only covers 2 of the current 3 normal ancients, and 1 of the 2 boss ancients. (seriously, Phorid is overdue getting a new model)

Corrosive is only good against fossilized type ancients (75%), with blast coming second (50%). Pair up with slash (15%). That'll cover toxics, disruptors & Lephantis.

Sinew type ancients need prodded with puncture (+25%) and either cold (25%) or radiation (50%). Use for healers & Phorid.

Fossilized are resistant to cold (-25%), toxin (-50%) & radiation (-75%).
Sinew have resistance to blast damage (-50%).

It's literally impossible to make a perfect setup that covers all infested, and since sinew isn't classed as a type of armour (it's classed as a type of flesh) it negates corrosive damage.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I know that.. I didn't say it did 100% damage to them all, I said it does more against them on average
why tho
Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
puddleframe is the best frame ever made

No, bad hanz0, go sit in the corner.

Bad hanz0.
why tho
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
But it has thunder thighs AND tentacles. Makes everything wet.

Exactly, This is warframe not tentacle porn.
why tho
if calling in artillery barrages and doing he bo's ult from smite and turning into a puddle and slapping a ridiculously large area with tentacles doesn't sound fun to you then you are incapable of having fun

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
if calling in artillery barrages and doing he bo's ult from smite and turning into a puddle and slapping a ridiculously large area with tentacles doesn't sound fun to you then you are incapable of having fun

It's not that he's not fun or good, he's just not worth all the farming for the keys constantly. It's not like he has an overpowered ability, he's an average frame who happens to be really annoying to get.
why tho