randoms are stupid as fuck, mainly on ranked solo Q. Every single time i go ranked solo i end up with some feeders, leavers or trolls, now i got into elo hell and they are becoming even more common ( my elo at solo it's around 900 right now, while my full team ranked elo is around 1400).
Honestly, it's EXTREMELY hard to get stuck in elo hell unless you are also bad.

Got my main account back, went from 1400 (when i owned it) to 860, slowly climbing back up and am at 1005 right now.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
Honestly, it's EXTREMELY hard to get stuck in elo hell unless you are also bad.

Got my main account back, went from 1400 (when i owned it) to 860, slowly climbing back up and am at 1005 right now.

Basically this, i was 1000 elo myself and now am almost 1600
no matter how many times you drop, youll always get back to the elo you deserve(ive lost 200 elo in a row twice and got it back shortly after, with a win streak)
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
All I'm trying to say is, being helpful to your team (when in need)is better than staying top to farm, end of story.

P.S. i honestly could care less about your LoL arguments, and I also think you take them too seriously.
EDIT: oh and one more thing your forgetting, the disruption your causing the enemy team and the advantage for your team mates to farm and get the turrets. Then again you can't put that into your little math talk

I did. Basically, you're doing a 1:1 trade in terms of time if you manage to pull a successful gank. A gank only creates a transition of gold from one lane to another. Case and point being, while you're busy roaming, your lane gets free farm. When the enemy is killed, the respective lane gets free farm. Both result in around 60-120 seconds of free farm. So all you're doing is transferring 200-400 gold advantage from one lane to another. If a tower is taken, this is then ending the typical laning phase for that lane, in which case then I need to switch to a different mathematical model.

Also, it's ironic that you think I take it too seriously, but you will call somebody a retard for believing opposite of you.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I've made a NA account, i'll soon add some from the first page if they dont mind
the name is "SMURF GG REVARAY", i'm planning to get it to level 30 and maybe grind some elo wtih it, anyone is welcome to add me.(our timezones might be messed up though)
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Also you think I'm only talking about ganking. I am mainly talking about when theres 3 mid etc. Thats exactly why I called you retarded and i called you it directly! Stop trying to act smart and right because you're neither.

Herp Derp fuck the CS. CS is for retards. You're right dude.
If mid is getting 1v3'd I would push top turret. Or if the enemy top was still there I would just play the lane normally. You can't just surrender your turret for the sake of mid.

Also I haz 9 winstreak in ranked nao
1170 nao :3

Oracle is 1428 elo, and I agree with him.
Last edited by Hippybob; Aug 6, 2012 at 02:32 PM.