merry new-mas everyone!
(making up for christmas :P)
♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
~Link is my personal Dj
Originally Posted by Goat View Post

Originally Posted by Kriegery View Post

I will surpass you, its just a matter of time

also happy new year, Evil
evil Führer of Evil
Originally Posted by Oaky View Post
I will surpass you, its just a matter of time

also happy new year, Evil

Inb4 I buy it

Originally Posted by Shinigami View Post
Happy New Year Evil!

Also, how could you get so many things without spending a penny?

95% of it through marketing.
You know I would go out and buy a lot of force and relax colors and sell them slightly higher but.. the market moves so slow the only way to sell shit now is by making a selling thread. otherwise it sits in the market for a while :/