hmm. I will add a beatufil orcuz force for the best avatar i get made.
it has to be duck related. kgo!
Originally Posted by goughy1210 View Post
10/10 done with the shit on here, sorry but it's true. someone PM me when the thread is back to normal so I know when to start posting again.

As a semi leaving gift I will leave you this scrap avvy and signature


i don't really want a avatar that says mrjinglez1 plz
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Give me now!

Also, this is overkill: All metal members will arrive in Jets and Tanks. Half of them will start firing their tank shots at the house as the jets come down raining hell. Bakugan will run in the house with a pistol, like the badass he is, and shots her in the head. He will then walk out the house without a scratch. After that, all metal members have 30 seconds to escape the scene as a nuke will be dropped on to her house. As the nuke drops onto her house, a cheeky grenade will be thrown where her house was. That grenade will have a winky face on it saying "fuck you."

And lil adult now demon possesed is standing there near kathy eating her head and seeing the nice fireworks!
One of my Pic made for the Design event, tell yout opinion about that.

My Design

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