Nope. We have CAD in here since I go to a technical school. We also have Technology Shop, Drafting, Benchwork(last school year),Carpentry(also last school year), and we studied [HTML] last school year on computer

Originally Posted by Lust View Post
Also, i've been looking through my replay thread and i notice i sucked cock at replaymaking back then, there are only like 3 good ukebashes in there.

And there are only 2 tricking replays there, i am disappointed

This is a replay i just made trying to oppose bumbleburke's TR1CKST3R replay

And the ekidemo.

Last edited by Lust; Mar 17, 2016 at 12:58 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
favorite subject: science,now my teacher is showing about quimic and physics,im loving it.
well,guys i need help,anyone know how to be a good critic person?
i mean,someone that talks really good about serious stuff(like abortion,death penalty etc.),my portuguese teacher now is doing a test with us,and to pass on it must be a good discusser about these 3 subjects:the objective is to tell 2 motifs to be in favor and against:
a)death penalty
b)reduction of legal age
c)abortion in cases of microcephaly

anyone can help me to be a good discusser?
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592

More room in prisons.
Follows the "eye for an eye" ethical model.


The government shouldn't act as hitmans for the victim's family.


More voters.
More freedom.


Unqualified votes.
Immaturity level in drivers, drinkers, etc. might increase accidents.



Unnecessary suffrage.
In contries with none, or poor healthcare; Majority of ME, northern Africa, remote islands, America, India, etc.
it is also an economical concern to have a child with such a defect, and therefor abortion should be favoured in these occations.


"Every life maters"
Excuse for aborting because of personal beliefs, I.E: A woman in China aborting a girl, stating it was because of the defect, and not the gender. Or a female supremisist aborting a boy in Sweden for the same reason.
my bad guys, my inernet is being a bitch again, I wil change it in these days tho so yah, just came by to tell you that I might not be able to post as often as I would like to, if my int allows me Ill reply to all ur posts later, I need to take my sister to english lessons now
Originally Posted by uppkicker View Post

More room in prisons.
Follows the "eye for an eye" ethical model.


The government shouldn't act as hitmans for the victim's family.


More voters.
More freedom.


Unqualified votes.
Immaturity level in drivers, drinkers, etc. might increase accidents.



Unnecessary suffrage.
In contries with none, or poor healthcare; Majority of ME, northern Africa, remote islands, America, India, etc.
it is also an economical concern to have a child with such a defect, and therefor abortion should be favoured in these occations.


"Every life maters"
Excuse for aborting because of personal beliefs, I.E: A woman in China aborting a girl, stating it was because of the defect, and not the gender. Or a female supremisist aborting a boy in Sweden for the same reason.

this guy is smart af.
just got over 6 homeworks today
now i need to know how to argue better,and other things like counter-argue,its the highest problem i have in portuguese lessons
thanks anyways,usefull info.
Last edited by victortb; Mar 17, 2016 at 08:19 PM.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Alright I am back, time to reply


nice to see your around Bl3sSuR, too bad you lost your replays, well you can always make new, better ones, if you want we could spar onwe of these days, I send u a req on skype so you add me;

damn you upp or biology teacher just fills us with long practical works, homework and boring explanations, the thing is that I dont really like biology besides the studies of animal behaviour;

nice eki, my dad uses CAD, he is an architect, also your first link doesnt work, maybe reupload it, the second one does, nice replay, many spins I didnt like the extended leg on frame 90ish tho, gj;

upp kinda answered you, well nvm:

a) if you kill a serial killer you could consider it ok, but what if the guy you kill end up being inocent? its better to keep him alive cause a few years in jail isnt as bad as dying for something you didnt do

b) nonsense, it should be higher for me, here they are trying to do that,16 yrs old teens get to vote, total bullshit, we cant even take care of ourselfs and they let us choose the goverment

c)I would stay out of this, I belive that ppl shouldnt suffer, if the abortion is be4 he/she is fully developed then its ok but after it would be murder so yeah, my opinion tho
Quick update: Octomonkie has been kicked for being inactive.

Dayum son, I am inactive these times :/

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
I personally believe that the voting age should start at 20-30, though there should be a separate system for people that are between 13 and 20, that also get to vote, but not in the same manner as the others. I believe deviding the voting system into two blocks, one young, and one larger, older one, will bring these benifits:

1: The young group gets to elect a small amount of candidates, and the old group a larger amount, this will lead to better representation amongst demographics.

2: The younger public can have a say in how the country is run, though not so big a say to push the economy into a nose dive, after they voted for all money to go to the next XBox game or something.

3: The old, conservated and mouldy ideas of the elders will get more competition from the next generation.

Or we just set the voting age to over 20, because i actually don't trust my peers to run the country...
Well unless you set up a working system that does not get corrupted 2 weeks after release then voting over 20 seems like the best option.
Tho with a good education on politics at a young age I guess the voting age could be lower.

I am feeling like making a lil event, what would you guys want it to be? the prize would be 2k
Last edited by Onsola; Mar 17, 2016 at 11:31 PM.