Бл***, а ведь говорили, что, выйдя из клана, и юзербар пропадает *-*
Я отдохнул тут. Классно им пердак припекло.
I dont need weed to get you high.
Clan Application
Hello Silver, here is my application for your clan.
So guys my name is Zackary for short Zack.I am 14 years old but very mature for my age.I live in Turkey.Your member Leylak was my old school friend.I have been witness that this clan going trough official.This clan is very active ingame and on froums.Well I have been in Revenge,Element and I have been in my friends clan Shade.USB is a great artist and the friendship bonds in this clan are so tight I thaught of applying here.I am calm and loyal.I am patient but I somethimes get unpatient.I have played toribash for like 1,5 years now and I am Blackbelt.I am usally on the forums a lot but I play like 3 hours ingame.I love playing taekyon and aikido.I am a new artist I will put one example of my first head to my application.My GMT is +2 and half of the year I live in England half of the year I live in England.I have many replays but they will not impress you I am better multiplayer but I never save replays.My forum post is low but like every week I do like 120 posts so it will grow fast.I know English,Turkish and French.I don`t know know russian like Leylak but if it is important I can learn russian.Well I am a great skateboarder and I would like to go profecional someday.Well here is my life,hope you liked my application,

Example of my art

Last edited by imacrate; Mar 1, 2012 at 08:12 PM.
Can you write it in English I don`t know russian.
But from the google translator it says I didn`t read your application but okay.
If it is like that thank you for your yes.
[New artist]
Press to see my fan club.