Originally Posted by McDill View Post
Break a leg.

That's only for a theatrical performances i believe. anywhere else that's probably just bad luck.
"Break a leg" is a well-known idiom in theatre which means "good luck." It is typically said to actors and musicians before they go on stage to perform. The origin of the phrase is obscure.[1]
The expression reflects a theatrical superstition in which wishing a person "good luck" is considered bad luck.[2][3][4] The expression is sometimes used outside the theatre as superstitions and customs travel through other professions and then into common use. Among professional dancers, the traditional saying is not "break a leg," but "merde"

We of the latin culture also use the word "shit" or "alot of shit" to also represent this, break a leg is also used.
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post

We of the latin culture also use the word "shit" or "alot of shit" to also represent this, break a leg is also used.

Well, I learn something everyday . That's interesting.
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Who said I was wishing him good luck? If I'm correct breaking a leg is a possible scenario in kickboxing.
Originally Posted by Death9535 View Post
Lol yea but I was hoping mcdill meant him to break someone elses leg.

You get me, lad!