Originally Posted by Avatar View Post
Weren't you in Idle not even 5 mins ago?

Maybe you should spend wait a bit before applying for another clan.

Just saying.

Also, beta said it was cool for me to post here experts so you can go fun your self.

Sorry for the misunderstanding but just to explain, I joined (Idle) just to assist my friend Rythm in handling some admin matters, I wasn't fully a member. I told him that i'll leave as soon as I get done with it.
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!
Originally Posted by Avatar View Post
Why are his chances low?

He seems pretty cool to me.

Thanks! It's all sums up to Ultimate's choice at the end of the day. I respect their choice fully (:
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!
It also means that he may not be loyal. I mean, leaving a clan and immediately joining another? That's a bit sketchy. But sure, I won't judge. I also like how humble he is... I'm not sure if I have the experience or authority to cast a vote, so ill just spectate.