im double posting for the fun of it.
i have this weekend pretty much free, we should all meet up ingame for some kind of event or something. suggestions?
This is kinda off-topic, but when you edit someone's post like that, and then post immediately after, does it count as double posting? :O
wat a crappy gaem
wut wre u thinkin
Originally Posted by csatari99 View Post
@Icon lol look who's talking you can't even spell fag, fag.

He did spall fag correctly, I edited it into faeg because some people don't get it as a joke unless it's spelled in a humorous way.
It also wasn't directed at you.
You've ALSO already been Denied, stop invading you scrub. Conversation over, thank you very much.

Pretty many people is actually talking to me + I spell way better than you lol