Originally Posted by Robber7275 View Post
and Supervisors are allowed to start classes?

Kogeki Moderated Message:
I think yes because akmal and memo are supervisors.
PS testing moderated message

Robber7275 Moderated Message:
Please kogeki, I appreciate the help but just post like everyone else
Last edited by Kogeki; Aug 19, 2011 at 02:50 PM.
Originally Posted by Kogeki View Post
Kogeki Moderated Message:
I think yes because akmal and memo are supervisors.
PS testing moderated message

Robber7275 Moderated Message:
Please kogeki, I appreciate the help but just post like everyone else

It's okay for now but childish use of moderated messages will not be tolerated.

memo3322 Moderated Message:
also buttsechs
Last edited by AgentP; Aug 20, 2011 at 12:23 PM.
Originally Posted by Kogeki View Post
Kogeki Moderated Message:
I think yes because akmal and memo are supervisors.
PS testing moderated message

Robber7275 Moderated Message:
Please kogeki, I appreciate the help but just post like everyone else

You can test the moderated message by hitting the preview button instead of the post button.

P.S. Someone mind opening the freaking application thread?
Originally Posted by Kogeki View Post
Kogeki Moderated Message:
I think yes because akmal and memo are supervisors.
PS testing moderated message

Robber7275 Moderated Message:
Please kogeki, I appreciate the help but just post like everyone else

you fail at impersonating me
but I would say the same thing tough

Oh and I also made you an avatar
Last edited by Robber7275; Aug 20, 2011 at 02:21 AM.
mmk, maybe you shuold begin using more than 1 effect *puts mean face*
jk,they're not bad
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
P.S. Someone mind opening the freaking application thread?

If you look here:

You'll see that not 1 member has been kicked after the activity check, despite the fact that I pm'ed supalolcat and kareem98 days ago, the only response I got was "lol oh, sorry about that" so ya, we can't accept any members right now.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do