Do it l3rk i will only support her cuz shes strong (had kids) (hard i know) (not cuz ive expreienced it )
<@Scorp> koor i love you
Originally Posted by L3rk View Post
@kag: lol no, kag is a dude. But his girl friend is hot tho, lol.

Thanks I know she is beautiful.
[Neon] New Times
@kag: lol, your lucky.
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The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
Okay. I can't stand this anymore.
Take me off allies.
The content level of these posts has gone down
dramatically. No wonder you had to reform.
reduced to a bunch of sex addicts....
wow that
I'm not really sure how to respond to that.
I am physically attract to women, but I'm not really into the vulgar
"I'm going to pound the shit out of that pussy omg make her cum all over me
hurr hurr" stuff. That, to me, sound really immature, and kinda poser-ish.
You don't have to spread your masculinity everywhere.
wow that
I don't post any of that, and teenagers these days are all about sex, you can't help it..
When I was 16, all i did was talk about pussy, and seeing a hot girl and be like "i wana fuck the shit out of her". Now that I am 18, I am actually calm on the shit, espically on the internet.