Originally Posted by kolosus View Post
In-Game Name: Kolosus
Belt/Qi: Master Belt, 18000 Qi
Age: 14
Reference from any member(s) of the clan: None
Reference from notable any person(s): OfUnknown
Join Date: October 2007
GMT (TimeZone):+8 GMT
Preferred modes: Aikido as well as betabox or Judo.
Previous clans: Atlantic
Why do you want to join:

Well currently, I can recognize [Pandora] as a clan with friendly, skilled, and most importantly, active players in both ingame and as well as in the forums. This is the major beneficial factor for foreign players as well as Wanna-be's (People such as me). Furthermore, I believe that [Pandora] is also one of the clans that has the most members, as well as the most loyal ones, by viewing your board, I understood that not only have you confirmed my analysis based on the activity, and skill level, but also proved yourself as a clan that doesn't have any leavers, which obviously means that the members enjoy being in the clan, which mean [Pandora] must also be a well-organized, coordinated, as well as active clan to keep the members in.

Why should we let you join:

Despite my post count, I have a fairly high forum activity rate, I also have a mediocre ingame rate. I can benefit the clan in another few ways, the economic need, the need of physical support, and also the need of mental support. Firstly, the economic need of the clan in its tough and rough times, although I don't count this as a 'proud' advantage from making me unique, my Tc count is normally around 300k, which means i can refurbish or help the clan in its economics when needed. Also, I am a fairly skilled player, I can provide support for the clan in Brawls, 'Wars', and also fights of any kind. Lastly, the need of mental support, by this, I Do not mean that you guys are mentally retarded in any kind, what I stress is that sometimes, a extra mind can help the clan develop, and change alot. Also, I think Im O.K at signature and avatar making, here is a link of my recent portfolio

Ban history: None
And explain in a paragraph your personality*, forum and in-game history if you wish.

Well, I guess I'm quite sure of what your trying to say here, but I'm kind of embarrassed to say this myself, but... I'm usually quite a 'silent' kind of guy, I have a qi exceeding 20 =D What else?

As my TB does not function properly (Cannot save replays) I suggest a test if only needed. My rank and qi proves alot.

Finally, an intelligent applicant. Your chances are very good.
Originally Posted by lucasequi View Post
In-Game Name:lucasequi
Belt/Qi:Black Belt/1446
Age: 11
Reference from any member(s) of the clan:None
Reference from notable any person(s):None
Join Date:Sorry I dont remember
GMT (TimeZone) 3:00
Preferred modes:Taekkyon,Aikido
Previous clans:All of them were not official but i was in (Air,Ar,Black,Orphan,Fire and Dark)
Why do you want to join:I want to join because, i met some pandora guys and they were really nice, and i think pandora is a great clan. There are other clans like RAWR,Hack,Urban but i Dont think i want to enter them, i want to enter pandora
Why should we let you join:Well, im a nice guy, i know how to speak english and i play well for my belt
Ban history:I was never banned

Originally Posted by lucasequi View Post
In-Game Name:lucasequi
Belt/Qi:Black Belt/1482
Reference from any member(s) of the clan:None
Reference from notable any person(s):None
Join Date:I Don't Remember
GMT (TimeZone):
Preferred modes:3:00
Previous clans:none of them were official(Ar,Air,Dark,Black and Light
Why do you want to join:I want to join because i met a guy named Bio(in-game) and he was a nice guy and im sure everybody in pandora is, pandora is my fav clan and im sure i will be welcome if i enter
Why should we let you join:i'm i nice guy i know english, i play well, i enter toribash almost everyday, and im playing better everyday!
Ban history:None
i know i tried to enter pandora before and i was not accepted but i think i deserve a second chance to prove im a good player, so give me a chance please

Attachment 188623

Attachment 188624

Attachment 188625

Attachment 188626

Originally Posted by loje View Post
The council has decided NOT to let you in this clan.

thank you for shown interest and kind words though you are not Pandora material.

I thought we had that made already? You basically just copied your old application and did some organizing, plus those were the same replay's.

Originally Posted by killer321 View Post
hi pandora members jon pm me plz

Haha. This kid makes me laugh.

Originally Posted by kolosus View Post
In-Game Name: Kolosus
Belt/Qi: Master Belt, 18000 Qi
Age: 14
Reference from any member(s) of the clan: None
Reference from notable any person(s): OfUnknown
Join Date: October 2007
GMT (TimeZone):+8 GMT
Preferred modes: Aikido as well as betabox or Judo.
Previous clans: Atlantic
Why do you want to join:

Well currently, I can recognize [Pandora] as a clan with friendly, skilled, and most importantly, active players in both ingame and as well as in the forums. This is the major beneficial factor for foreign players as well as Wanna-be's (People such as me). Furthermore, I believe that [Pandora] is also one of the clans that has the most members, as well as the most loyal ones, by viewing your board, I understood that not only have you confirmed my analysis based on the activity, and skill level, but also proved yourself as a clan that doesn't have any leavers, which obviously means that the members enjoy being in the clan, which mean [Pandora] must also be a well-organized, coordinated, as well as active clan to keep the members in.

Why should we let you join:

Despite my post count, I have a fairly high forum activity rate, I also have a mediocre ingame rate. I can benefit the clan in another few ways, the economic need, the need of physical support, and also the need of mental support. Firstly, the economic need of the clan in its tough and rough times, although I don't count this as a 'proud' advantage from making me unique, my Tc count is normally around 300k, which means i can refurbish or help the clan in its economics when needed. Also, I am a fairly skilled player, I can provide support for the clan in Brawls, 'Wars', and also fights of any kind. Lastly, the need of mental support, by this, I Do not mean that you guys are mentally retarded in any kind, what I stress is that sometimes, a extra mind can help the clan develop, and change alot. Also, I think Im O.K at signature and avatar making, here is a link of my recent portfolio

Ban history: None
And explain in a paragraph your personality*, forum and in-game history if you wish.

Well, I guess I'm quite sure of what your trying to say here, but I'm kind of embarrassed to say this myself, but... I'm usually quite a 'silent' kind of guy, I have a qi exceeding 20 =D What else?

As my TB does not function properly (Cannot save replays) I suggest a test if only needed. My rank and qi proves alot.

Tell me, Kolosus, didn't Hector sell that account before? If yes, kindly tell us who you really are. If not, forget this statement and curse me if you will.
master of the universe
What? IV tried to sell this account, but failed.

Anyways, were my siggy tries O.K?
Last edited by Radogoshi; Feb 8, 2010 at 01:01 PM.
Originally Posted by kolosus View Post
In-Game Name: Kolosus
Belt/Qi: Master Belt, 18000 Qi
Age: 14
Reference from any member(s) of the clan: None
Reference from notable any person(s): OfUnknown
Join Date: October 2007
GMT (TimeZone):+8 GMT
Preferred modes: Aikido as well as betabox or Judo.
Previous clans: Atlantic
Why do you want to join:

Well currently, I can recognize [Pandora] as a clan with friendly, skilled, and most importantly, active players in both ingame and as well as in the forums. This is the major beneficial factor for foreign players as well as Wanna-be's (People such as me). Furthermore, I believe that [Pandora] is also one of the clans that has the most members, as well as the most loyal ones, by viewing your board, I understood that not only have you confirmed my analysis based on the activity, and skill level, but also proved yourself as a clan that doesn't have any leavers, which obviously means that the members enjoy being in the clan, which mean [Pandora] must also be a well-organized, coordinated, as well as active clan to keep the members in.

Why should we let you join:

Despite my post count, I have a fairly high forum activity rate, I also have a mediocre ingame rate. I can benefit the clan in another few ways, the economic need, the need of physical support, and also the need of mental support. Firstly, the economic need of the clan in its tough and rough times, although I don't count this as a 'proud' advantage from making me unique, my Tc count is normally around 300k, which means i can refurbish or help the clan in its economics when needed. Also, I am a fairly skilled player, I can provide support for the clan in Brawls, 'Wars', and also fights of any kind. Lastly, the need of mental support, by this, I Do not mean that you guys are mentally retarded in any kind, what I stress is that sometimes, a extra mind can help the clan develop, and change alot. Also, I think Im O.K at signature and avatar making, here is a link of my recent portfolio

Ban history: None
And explain in a paragraph your personality*, forum and in-game history if you wish.

Well, I guess I'm quite sure of what your trying to say here, but I'm kind of embarrassed to say this myself, but... I'm usually quite a 'silent' kind of guy, I have a qi exceeding 20 =D What else?

As my TB does not function properly (Cannot save replays) I suggest a test if only needed. My rank and qi proves alot.

Goddamn. Never saw you ingame before. Where are you from anyway? Judging from your GMT, you are Asian .

I say yes. Also, your siggy try is nice.

Originally Posted by Virtue View Post

Tell me, Kolosus, didn't Hector sell that account before? If yes, kindly tell us who you really are. If not, forget this statement and curse me if you will.

Check Hector's account shop, bro. He has records, etc.

Originally Posted by killer321 View Post
hi pandora members jon pm me plz

You want me to Pm you? Hmkay

Originally Posted by MaDBoY94 View Post
Pandora getting popular - 2 applications in a day.
I would say yes to kolosus

The record is like 4 applicants in a day. I think :/
kolosus is acceped.

lucasequi has been rejected.

Ragman12 is not done yet.
Last edited by loje; Feb 8, 2010 at 04:54 PM.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!