Lua code:
-- set_joint_state (integer player_index, integer joint_index, integer joint_state)

-- USE: Sets the state of a specified joint
-- NOTES: 1,2 = Apply force on joint, 3 = Hold joint, 4 = Release_joint

local player_index, joint_state = 0, 1
for i=0,19 do
echo ("set_joint_state (" .. player_index .. ", " .. i .. ", " .. joint_state .. ")")
set_joint_state (player_index, i, joint_state)

Lua code:
-- set_grip_info(integer player_index, integer hand_id, integer grip_state)

-- USE: Sets the grip state for a specified hand
-- NOTES: Valid hand_id's are 11 and 12

local player_index, hand_id, grip_state = 0, 11, 1

set_grip_info( player_index, hand_id, grip_state)
echo ("set_grip_info (" .. player_index .. ", " .. hand_id .. ", " .. grip_state .. ")")

Most documentation is found in /scripts/sdk/.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today