Heeeey guys! Sorry I didn't have wifi for a few days so sorry aboot that :V

welcome to all the new doods! I'm lookin forward too meeting you guys when I get back

Hey ToriGod! We missed you how have you been doing?
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
doing great flames, just getting the hang of toribash again
"Follow Me, Everything Is Alright, Ill Be The One To Tuck You In At Night"
we would like u back tori but like everyone else rejoining this clan must apply, its only right.
another thing flakes please try to increase your words while posting :P because ._. is a waste of a post
hope u understand
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
Understood, panda. Btw flamesmash thanx I hope we meet ingame soon.
What are you lookin at ?

Hey Hey, coming home today!!!
(slow clap)

I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow morning if anyone is going to be up

Also, welcome new guys to Wapow! Woop Woop!

Heard about the recruitment being started up again, cant wait!

New faces. New friends. New vibes. :>
Don't believe in a cripple cause he'll prove you wrong.
Torigod08: I'm sure it won't take you long to get entirely back in the swing of things. Natural talent doesn't go away

Welcome to all the new members, see you in game.
I got to ask 1 thing,
are there anything wrong whit leg grabs now?
Is it like the new shovel, ore this, ore that, taboo thingy?
(except its not all ways wise ofc, but I thought it was clean fighting..)

Need this answered, I just stopped myself from making a fkn argument over it, and my doctor says I`m to keep calm, lol
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"