Can I leave this organization? I don't play and I don't want to be associated with Zenboy in any way.
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
Can I leave this organization? I don't play and I don't want to be associated with Zenboy in any way.

You shouldn't see TA and automatically think "associated with zen." TA is a wonderful organization for masters of aikido and those looking to improve at it. The fact that you want to leave because a certain person is in it is pathetic. If you're inactive, join the club. It's not like our entire organization posts here anyways. If you really want to leave the organization because Zen is in it, that's fine. I don't believe we have a members list anyways.
Of course we don't have a list anymore. Just about anyone can join TA these days. lol

Also, I don't think Grohen was serious.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Of course we don't have a list anymore. Just about anyone can join TA these days. lol

Also, I don't think Grohen was serious.

In my eyes, asking to leave an organization is serious tbh.

Anyways, it looks like he's serious, so I'm gonna stick with that until he says otherwise.