twitch rework = awesome? i just played him and i got the feeling his dmg got boosted amazin ... dont need the ultimate, strong enough without ..
i would say, his ult is useless now... jea it gives a good ad boost but just put a W in and spam your E ... if anyone try to run away, Q and follow him..

also the duration of his stealth got lowered alot, but this doesnt matter, the speed boost is good that you can place you fast enough behind an enemy or something another good position.. only thats bad at it is the cooldown... i thought maybe its a good idea to play twitch on CDR to spam more E ? but i got no real build for it.. maybe anyone ideas to play twitch on cdr?
(like ghostblade and nashors...)
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Originally Posted by BlubKill View Post
i would say, his ult is useless now... jea it gives a good ad boost but just put a W in and spam your E ... if anyone try to run away, Q and follow him..

Wowowowow, no. That splash is ridiculous, even if it has been nerfed due to his AD boost. The range on it is also amazing and it now has infinite shots within a time frame as opposed to the old method of having a set number of shots. I couldn't disagree more, I love his ult.

Also Xin rework, such a bully in top, it's ridiculous.

Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
1.1k elo now =D Slowly going up ._.

I'm at the same point man. You start off 1200, I shouldn't have played rank when I did. Best to wait for a long time after you hit 30 until you're 100% sure you can carry a team properly and are generally better than most other level 30s. Having started when I was shit my ELO dropped like a stone, just below 1100, and I haven't played since. It's like starting off with a handicap :(
Last edited by SpmSL; Jul 22, 2012 at 12:28 AM.
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Ive got dibs on evelynns ult getting nerfed.

Maybe, but it has such a long ass cooldown that I really think it's pointless to nerf.
Originally Posted by SpmSL View Post
Also Xin rework, such a bully in top, it's ridiculous.

Xin was a bully at top before the rework. He just sucked ass late game.
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