I have a little dog. In the future, I want a big dog.

Originally Posted by nerti View Post
i like medium and big doggos. 99% of little doggos are just straight up assholes.

Depends on the owner, really. If the dog was properly socialized in its baby days, it won't turn out to be a dick to everyone. I was completely ignorant about the socializing stuff when we got our dog, so she's mean to everyone who comes over, gets all territorial and shit. Meeting people outside the house, she's fine and approachable, but when they come over, she gets all "defend my turf".
a spoon.
Same thing with my girlfriend's roomate's cat. She hates being picked up and hides when people come over. Except when it's me because animals love me. She likes me almost as much as her owner and much more than the people she lives with.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I like doggos more than cattos. I have 2 doggos one is old and been with the family for ever and the other is 9 months or so. I also have 4 cattos and dislike them.... well I like them but I also hate em, ya'know rite?

Anyway, time to post a rant...
*Grumbles about Microsoft's monolithic approach to kernels*
I don't mind mandatory updates, I understand that keeping a machine up to date is important, but the automatic restart is quite annoying. I mean for the most part in an os with a linux or unix kernal you can simply do sudo $(insert packet management i,e, apt-get, yum or the likes...) update and it will update everything all nice and dandy with, oh you guessed it NO NEED TO FUCKING RESTART!, Windows 10 reeks of 1990's technology and Microsoft should be ashamed and embarrassed. Cutting edge OS my fat arse, as soon as I am done with uni I am getting rid of windows 10 and having Arch linux as my base install, GRRRRRR.

(I'm pissed off because I forgot to save an essay so I need to rewrite it...)
Last edited by Tuna; May 18, 2016 at 01:49 PM.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Pretty sure I had to restart after updating to make the updates work when I was using Ubuntu.
It's a great OS, but I'm glad to be back to windows, it doesn't need updates daily or something so I don't mind.
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you guys all have doggos, but I have a turtle. She's gotten so big now, it's pretty insane.
Virus: Son | ImVeryBlue: Husband | Creati0n: Wife
Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
Pretty sure I had to restart after updating to make the updates work when I was using Ubuntu.
It's a great OS, but I'm glad to be back to windows, it doesn't need updates daily or something so I don't mind.

Yuck, ubuntu is gross!
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Yuck, ubuntu is gross!

It's easy for people who aren't really into using cmd all the time. Cause archlinux looks like something that takes practice to use to me.

On the other topic, I have a doggo and 2 cattos. The doggo is absolutely lovely, a bit medium sized and things, mix of rhodesian rich back and a labrador. Cats are cute but they aren't like dogs, dogs tend to love their owners, can't get that feeling with a cat.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
It's easy for people who aren't really into using cmd all the time. Cause archlinux looks like something that takes practice to use to me.

It does indeed, I've used ubuntu a lot in the past and It is a good OS don't get me wrong, it works well and is a good choice for the average person that does not want to spend hours in command line, although I am not one of those people, I like command line.

In this summer I am going to start many projects, I want to compile my own distro of linux from scratch with everything that I want on it. It will have a main focus on security systems.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions