i'm not really making a big deal out of this, since i already stated that jolt is likely to be a dead clan. and i didn't see any Graft posts in neither the chat thread nor the recruitment thread. I just smell something really fishy. Sure there are 23 million people who have birthdays everyday but it's just really caught my eye that you have similar logos and the same birthdays
I'm with mat on this, you know why? Well let's look at the evidence:

Graft's loga is similar to Mat's.
Same birthday.

Let's start with the birthday, ok let's use some math first:

there's ca 7.5 billion people, wi take that and divide by the number of days in (an ordinary) year.

which equals about 20 million (I rounded down because i rounded up in the previous number)

What is the probabilities of finding two people with the smae birthday? Well it is simply 1/365 * 1/365 =(ca) 0.005 Or 0.5 %.

So we now know the prob. of finding two people with the same birthday and also roughly how many people having their birthday at any given day (excluding leap-day)

Now you notice that 0.5% is not that small of a chance when you look at how many people there are with the same birthday.

In short, it is not that unlikely that two tb-players have the same birthday.

Now for the logo thing, this is harder demonstrate because of all assumptions i will have to make, so this is kind of a weak argument, but here it goes:

The video mat used has about 1 million views, and for the sake of argument let's say it only had 500 000 views when he saw it. Now suppose that half of the people who saw the video at that time made a logo fo themeselves and used is as a profile pic. This number would then be 250 000 people. Now i think it's fair to say that this is not the only video out there explainging this logo, or just showing it off. So if we factor that in then we might get a number that is closer to 400 000, and if we again factor in "spread", that is people seeing the logo and either copying it, or making their own withought watching the video, and we set the spread to a low factor 2 we end up with 800 000 people with this logo.

Now remember that these are people who know a bit about the internet (why else would they require a logo for forums/know about PS/other graphic softwares.)

It might be improbable that you would find two people with the same logo on the same page if it is this obscure, but i have an argument to strengthen my point:

Mat uses this logo, and many people like it, so they have probably copied it from him, or he has copied it from another user on the TB forums(?) so this logo might not be so unusual in the TB community.

Overall i do not think that the evidence you have put forth is enough.
However, Graft is most likely an Alt.
Another point i would like to make is that of mat's IQ, now i am not attacking you here mat but let me say this:

Mat has to be either the stupidest man to ever live, or the greatest mind of all time if he is infact Graft.

Now i exagerated i bit there so let me clarify:

If graft was mat's alt, why would mat have the same birthday and similar logo? He has to either be too dumb to realize that people will point this out, or so smart as to do it on purpouse, because he knows people would make this point.

I don't believe mat to be a retarded mantis-schrimp, nor do i believe him to be a super genious, although i recognize and admire his skill as a debater and speedcuber i do not believe him to be this manipulative.

Conclusion: I think mat is smart and very capable of critical thinking, as proven by his pessimism, however i do not believe him to be a cold, calculating, manipulative machine that would attempt this ruse of using the the same birthday and similar logo as a reverse-logic parachute.
Last edited by uppkicker; Mar 7, 2016 at 04:21 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
very well said. though your percentage is wrong, lol.
let's say you pick two random people, and then you have to figure out the probability of them not having the same birthday, which would be
(365 x 364) / 365^2
which equals to 0.99726027398
or a 99.72% chance of them not having the same birthday, but we're looking at two random people. which leaves us with a 0.2 % chance here.
just correcting your calculations, lol.
but the chance of finding the same birthday in a database of thousands is more than 100%, my computer'll crash if i do that calculation. I'm sure there are people who have their birthday on december 11th in toribash.
oh and also, yes, i am retarded.
Welp wanna know what I think? I think this is bullshit, I know mat might be a bit weird and shit but after all he learnt how to do those logos with a youtube tutorial so anyone with a half working brain could do them with photoshop;

about the birthday; come on shit ton of ppl have the same birth dat, also mat isnt so stupid how to make an alt and put the same birthday.

Also with all this shit going on if mat was the owner he would have left jolt, something graft hasnt done; both have similar win ratio, however, if mat did an alt ik he would go around reking nuvs cause y not you know and why would he even leave those 580 tc in that acc;

so in my opinion this hole thing is bullshit, I will talk with mat even tho I doubt he was multiclanning
im extremely surprised at those maths.
well,i doubt mat is multiclanning,onsola said basically everything i wold say,also a friend on my school has the same birthday than me(january,30).
if need more evidences PM an Smod/GM asking for his both IPS(of toribash),if is an alt ip is the same.
EDIT: Also,check the join date,why wold oxide make an alt 3 months later?
Last edited by victortb; Mar 7, 2016 at 06:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Ofcourse mat being an expert in bullshitery may just be fooling us all with his wicked and twisted sense of morbid humor.
So then, since i briefly touched on the topic of pessimism, should we discuss that?
I consider myself to be an inward pessimist, but at the same time an outward optimist.
You see, if you can't joke about the world being shit you just become this depressed crook-backed old man who is drunk on his own sense of apathetic superiority. When you finally realize that the glass is not half full, nor half empty, but instead filled entirely, but not of water, but of shit, then you are soon on the brink of nihilism. I consider nihilism to be an accurate world view, but you must not let it devour you.
Although jokes are not in them selves helpfull to you, they might be for others.
Last edited by uppkicker; Mar 7, 2016 at 07:57 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Because oxide scammed me and sent 199tc instead of 200tc so i will inform you that oxide told me to post 'lol' for 200tc
Last edited by Sc1ence01; Mar 8, 2016 at 12:20 PM.
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Sc1ence01 could you stop posting here? thanks

damn we are a bit slow in activity now;

welp what do you think guys of this new es thing? not just a name/color change
I honestly couldn't care less, fuck 'em. They are just eletists anyway.


Man, i've been burning through Erdnase pages lately, jeeze.