How much does the price drop? Also I am so happy, I got a new puppy last weekend and he is named roy, he is so cute he plays tug of war and fetches and stuff, he is only 12 weeks old! His breed is "huntaway", they are sheep dogs and end up to be very big!
Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
haha thats what I do anyways xD
also I am wondering what stuff to buy with my TC, is it worth getting a usertile Kratos?

Like with 20k? I don't think so, you can still buy, but it'll be a nooby usertitle. You should get vip.
:o awesome! and type what you want and it will say next to the cost (too the right)

I ticked all
507,250 With VIP, you'd save 405,800 TC!

Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
Like with 20k? I don't think so, you can still buy, but it'll be a nooby usertitle. You should get vip.

I have 20k in my bank, I am getting 30k from snook and I think I can get nearly 70k + from my flame + persian + titan force+ 128 texture with the right marketing tecnqiue. so thats around 110k, can I get usertile for that?
I want to know if I should spent on items like 512 head or try get usertile, does it feel good to have a cool usertile kratos?
512 head is cheaper than a usertitle and it's better. ;d And if you would buy it you would still have a lot of tc.
PolishPlayer | Fan Club
haha thanks guys I will stick to getting items, the 512 heads are so rare these days I have been trying to get one for a while