Originally Posted by bloodbath View Post

by saying neither i am implying that i forgot too

don't and neither creates a double negative, which equals a positive.
Enough spam and off topic, regardless of weather I like toritori9 or i think he's a complete noob, he still has to fight MBK, and that goes for every one entering the clan as of MBK's posting of the new rule. Seeing that no one has gotten into the clan since then, however, I wish you all the best of luck with that...
Well actually, the real problem is that MBK haven't had time to test anyone since he made the new rules. Wether this is because of exams or Vii's manic sexual hunger I don't know.

Uh...*cough* But anyhoo, as far as I know there now should be 3 guys on his "to test"-list, and I'd think he'd tell us if there had been any progress, instead of letting the silence say...well, nothing.
Ok, fair enough reasons Mr.Poptart.
I have fought MBK a number of times, though not recently.
I don't why you think of me as a noob, I admit that I was irresponsible and well.. a noob at the time of my joining and for a few monts after that. But I think I have matured, mentally at least.
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!
Originally Posted by toritori9 View Post
Ok, fair enough reasons Mr.Poptart.
I have fought MBK a number of times, though not recently.
I don't why you think of me as a noob, I admit that I was irresponsible and well.. a noob at the time of my joining and for a few monts after that. But I think I have matured, mentally at least.

Well I could second the fact that he was a noob. Really. All of us were, and Soop too. The unholy union of [Ninja] shall never be forgotten in the circle of ex-noobs.

And as of now, I will second that he has matured. Just look at the posts his making, I don't see anything of a bad person. Do you?
Write a formal application, and then we'll consider you.
I don't actually play. Very often. If you want me, schedule a time. Don't count on luck.
look im only asking if i can join CBK

mod:Long Distance(Not Really A mod)
Last edited by Dubbah; May 18, 2008 at 02:02 PM.
I Iz Teh Shizzle YAH!!! Um, no... not really
Mr.Poptart, Is my unoriginal name the thing that ticks you off? :/

But seriously, If you have only met me a few times, then there is not much to base your judgement of me being a noob on is there.

Plus, please explain to me how noob is different to newb.
As I understand, noob is just a hateful term for a newb, which is someone who is new.
Last edited by toritori9; May 17, 2008 at 12:45 PM.
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!