Endurance Onslaught 6.0
From me it's a yes now.
But destiny and wannin have to decide.

Some old multiplayer replays would be nice, too.
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Warning: Removal of the attached label is punishable by instant death.
Hey i got to let you guys know, silent assasin was fighting against me and he totally pwnd me a couple times. Until i switched my move on him XD

But yeah if i have a say in it, i would totally let him join!
He's really good and knows how to counter!
[Hunters] Look down retard... [Hunters]
You try to get away, yet you only make it quicker.
tee hee hee!
Your welcome silentassasin!
Well i have a black belt main so im a higher skill level then you, but all the other Hunters clan members are way higher then me!
[Hunters] Look down retard... [Hunters]
You try to get away, yet you only make it quicker.
well, SilentAssassin, sorry for posting so much just to enter the clan, I hope you're not angry

Congratulations SilentAssassin! You're in!
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
Awesome thanks wannin
And nahhh its no problem I think it was kind of cool to meet everyone on the forums and everyone seems cool lol
Anyways thanks again
If u want to join [HUNTERS] please fill this form:
Fav Mod:spiderwalk
Best Mod:n/a
GMT:half japanese, and american
Why u want to join:i want to join cuz its awesome
Past clan(s) if yes, give us the reason why you got kicked or left:i have not been in a clan yet
Msn Or Yahoo:legobatboy@yahoo.com
We don't take people who applied for other clans or are in another clan at the same time
dont u have to be at least blue belt
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
Hmm its NO from me for now coz your belt is too low but if i test you and you are worthy opponent then maybe i will change my mind if you want test PM me
Proud member of [Hunters]
Mess with the best (Hunters that is), die like the rest!