well guys


did we just make an exception? please read the first post of the application thread, and then tell deni-gloomy to apply again in a while
lol he doesnt even know what a format is, obviously he didn't read the first post.
which shows enough about the guy's dedication, or more precisely the lack thereof.
he's app was a huge ass shit
i think its ok even thought he didn't make it in freeform.

olso holy shit
i met a girl today in my damn first day of private lessons
she i cute aff
for some reason i feel nervous when trying to talk to her :/
she is pretty shy thought which make shits even harder
damn she shall be my fucking gf
we can be a perfect couple
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
you have a crush on that girl lol. you're 16, you haven't had one before? damn, most girls in algeria must be ugly, hahaha.
also, 98% of crushes end up with the other party not liking the person who likes them.
tough luck, also you can't say for sure can you
"we can be a perfect couple"
looks pretty dominating to me, considering you don't even know her that well.

Who are you?
Hello Martial artist clan My name is DeniLumi (ingame) My real name is Deni which is spelled Danny. i am 13 years old and i spend my free time playning my favourite game in 7th grade and im a funny guy (at least thats what peoples say) everyone calls me the joker,yes becuse i always do jokes. i really like to be or a actor or an football player. but once i had something special in my life when i was 5 years old i learned english (not kidding) my mom was suprised and my sister was angry becuse i learned it faster than she did.useless info.
Where are you from?
Well.......Im from Albania <3 its a small cuntry it has around 10 milion peoples but they arent all in albania they are in different states. if u wonder where that is in GTM GMT*its at GTM +1. I love Albania becuse its not perfect but its a beutiful cuntry. cunt-ry... seriously?
What made you start playing toribash?
Well funny story but i used to love the horror games 2 years ago and i was looking
for new games then at indie games becuse i clicked it by accident i see this cool looking game and i open to see his trailer and that trailer was AMAIZING litterly i loved it.When i downloaded the game and look at it i wasn`t that happy becuse i didnt knew what bodyparts where so i had litterly no idea what to do,so i left the game.After 2 days i thought maybe i would give it a try to see if it was good,and when i relaized how cool the game was it was my favourite game.But i didnt knew about the forums so i spend 2 months without knowing what the forum is.When i relaized i was amazed.Thats how all started. sorry bro, not actually funny.
Why you want to join MAU?
Well i want to join mau becuse i really love arts im a tricker/parkourer/sparrer/ukebasher
(yes i do it all but not all perfectly) and im a guy that loves new things.This clan has very
new what?talented nice joke. in terms of talent and skill we're probably the worst official clan on the radar. players.Im in a parkour team called Team Kinetic and from there i have some friends Alpha and Onsola awesome replaymakers. i dont want to join this clan becuse of my friends but as i said this is a talented clan so i would be happy to be here to hang out with these players and why not to make new friends? ive wanted to join this clan but i never could becuse i didnt had the skil bro, nobody ever said you needed skill to join this clan. you need eligible english and a chill demeanor, that's all. you could be the shittest player on the planet, and we'll still accept you.l but now i think i can so why dont i give it a try ?
What makes you a unique martial artist?
My style maybe becuse i think i have a unique style i like to be speed like flash (not the player) but i like to be swag with my moves and i like to do them a bit robotic.But mostly i do them realistic.
With finger crossed i hope i get in
that clause shows that you were not sure about getting in.becuse i really like to join


there, professional cnc + a little bit of editing.
ok, so bold usually precedes a remark
underline is a spelling mistake
italics a remark, still.
red is a remark about a part i bolded before it.

also i removed the excruciating amount of spaces, he did it to exaggerate the longevity of the post.
shows deception and laziness
another thing, about the spelling mistakes, not a lot of people make that many, especially in applications. when you make an application for a clan you cross your fingers in hopes for getting in, you would usually spell check it 3 times, and once more to be sure, which is what i would do.
Last edited by Oxide; Sep 2, 2016 at 01:43 PM.
acually i did have a crush inb
i even fell in love when i was 8 and luckily it wasn't 1side feeling xb
well elder bro always told me what to do when talking to a girl so i learned but well, a girl i have a crush on is different.
and we do have alot of beautiful girls here (atleast in my state and mostly my origin (kabyle) lmfao).dunno why they choosed an ugly one to be our beauty king.

little exemple from google

umm getting back to the app:
i still think its ok
mine is full of useless bullshit and i got accepted
he said who he is and said more shits that we dont even need to know.
also, i thought our only requirement is being active :/
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
How is that even related.
I spent some of my quality free time (which i get very little of) doing that.
fuck you guys
he used a format and tried to exploit our vision
I dont care about the clan management nor the rules we had. I will power abuse now, like we have no objectives so yeah. Anarquia
lol that is a highly shitpost-y post.
not saying that other people are allowed to do it, just make your posts longer
also 1 word posts are never allowed
this is your only and last warning