Originally Posted by Naixxxx View Post
And when is the release?

I'm pretty sure the most people know is that it's coming in 2018
Originally Posted by HPunch View Post
the best think to do would be paying youtubers to sponsor this game

It sounds very dumb for a game which is 11 years old by now.
Plus, no one cares about physics based games these days, at least the Youtube community.
First of all, the very big youtubers won't even love and enjoy to play the game. Or even if they do, the new players might just come and go, just like before.

Now, this is all based on the learning curve of the Next Toribash. No one wasted their time on a game which requires 2 months to learn.
I translated the entire desc and Q/A to brazilian portuguese. I hope it's useful.


Last edited by Yoda; Jul 21, 2017 at 09:59 PM. Reason: Correction.
Having any youtuber to promote this game by playing it would be dumb, since its pretty boring to watch people playing this game, clicking joints, waiting for turns and all that, especially when they are really new at it.
What might work, is to show off amazing replays of sparring,tricking,freeruning, madman, etc. and tell them that we could do anything in toribash and disappoint them later by knowing that they cant do shits.
well, we can get lesduncan back so he records some toribash videos, that might not help but thats still more entertainment than noob toribash youtubers clicking joints and doing random stuff, even tho when mark played this game he did manage to get some new players to this game but it was really worthless since they quit because of the learning curve, so toribash getting so popular is a dream that will never come true.
It means that we gonna "generate" Bitcoins fighting? wow
The mecanics gonna be similar from toribash?