Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Man whenever dendi plays you get all this bullshit about why he's the best mid in the world blah blah. Like I give a fuck.

Yeah, i never heard that one from caster but w/e.

I know shit about LoL casters. I stopped watching LoL some time ago and now there is so many new heroes and shit. I just dont bother.

Originally Posted by Kips
every time i hear a guy like ayesee or LD try and theorycraft or whatever and end up missing first blood because of it, i wish for my own swift painless death a little more.

In ayesee case, I don't mind his recurring catchphrases, but his camera... Jeez

LD is completly fine for me. He barely misses FB from what i see.

Originally Posted by BenDover
ayesee and zyori, golden voices and good casters, zyori knows his stuff, but he usually has a co-caster like merlini, who is overoppinionated, but knows his shit.

I don't know man. I love merlinis insight. Fluxing for an example

But for me Dadskyl is pretty much perfect caster. He isn't really guy who hypes but i don't really need it.
Originally Posted by SunR1se View Post
I don't know man. I love merlinis insight. Fluxing for an example

Yeah, you don't get to be a god for nothing.

Most people probably think "oh that's a cute trick", but he knows things like that for every hero.

I'd love to watch a game casted by zsmj where he just talks about how to farm better, that would be really entertaining.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by SunR1se View Post
I don't know man. I love merlinis insight. Fluxing for an example

But for me Dadskyl is pretty much perfect caster. He isn't really guy who hypes but i don't really need it.

Merlini knows his shit, but his oppinions might as well be fact. when Lycan came back into the meta with the new push strats, he said it was shit. when bulldog picked up a Necro book befor it was cool, called that shit too. any support that isnt rubick or bane is also shit.

Draskyl is well up there with his insight and general casting sense, but sounds like a wet rat most of the time, i see him as a co-caster who should be in charge of the camera.

I think, if Lumi would grow a pair and lead a cast, he'd be the best.

also, progress on veno
Last edited by BenDover; Apr 22, 2014 at 04:19 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=- - Dire ancient jungling Medusa gameplay.

Medusa - heart, bloodstone, butterfly, linkens, skaadi, boots of travel. 5k hp, 3k mana, 100+ health regen, 60+ mana regen, 35% evasion, god knows how much armor.

Amazing tank, hilarious. Tank the world, no problems.

(Actually I sold my manta near the end to get the heart for fun, because making insane tanks is fun.)
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
heart, skadi, linkens AND a bloodstone?
i lold.

50 minutes farm, 2 minutes gg push

also, new patch.
anything you looking forward to?
Last edited by BenDover; Apr 30, 2014 at 01:05 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
heart, skadi, linkens AND a bloodstone?
i lold.

50 minutes farm, 2 minutes gg push

also, new patch.
anything you looking forward to?

The only thing I am looking forward to is the KotL change, I think he will be picked way more often now :P
It seems they just made Ursa, Huskar and Lich extremely OP though ):

Oh, and EG got a direct invitation to TI4, plus Fear is playing again :O Hopefully they can do something great at TI4.
Last edited by Laser; Apr 30, 2014 at 03:49 AM.
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
also, new patch.
anything you looking forward to?

Prediction for patch: Broodmother will potentially move up to +40% win rate. Still will not be viable.

I'm looking forward to lich ofc.

And Medusa, they changed her substantially, it looks like they don't want people to go W>E>Q anymore, they want people to build W>Q>E (one point in to E at lvl 4). She won't be able to farm ancients or push farm as well... I've ran her as ancient farmer last 3 games and it's pretty awesome. I don't know if it will still be viable.

Necro can now farm jungle even harder, nice.

PA got massive buffs (20% evasion buff, crazy), but still just get MKB. Against a team with multiple physical damage dealers, you can really force their hand with a talisman to get 60% evasion lol. Bfly brings you up to 70% now, insane.

QoP's buff to her laning is cool. I like her even though she's not competitive. SS is an awesome skill.

TB nerfs I dunno, he was already easy to counter.

Can no longer blink out of euls? WHY.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
medusa should be more viable for a lane farmer/pusher, more reliable damage, still dont think shes viable.
Lich, yea.
QOP, might bring her back into the 1v1 matchups, that nerf to the mana cost a few patches ago really hit her hard.
./care about brood, niche offlaner

Zeus casting bolt on ground should be >>
and Windrunner aghanims looks madness, i hope it brings her back into the offlane
ursas passive is no longer an orb >>
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
They should just give wr her ulti from wraithnight. Her current ulti is kind of meh honestly. I mean yes it's good, and the recent buffs are really good (and honestly aghs makes her pretty viable for dps role), but she can't compete with mid and offlane is pretty meh for someone who needs farm IMO.

Zeus buff = awesome.

Ursa buff = idk why do this. Rush MoM kill rosh faster? What is he even going to build except lifesteal? Diffusal? Skadi? Why?! It's a bit unnecessary...
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff