Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
I was talking with Shmevin a few days ago when he asked me. "I don't understand how being clanless could be considered anymore of a home than staying" - I shrugged it off and said some hurtful things which I am still sorry for. However I was talking to him again last night when I was asking if I was allowed to rejoin when I realised something. - Why was I complaining about people leaving if they were still going to post here.
I've always pictured TGS as a second family - You guys are there for me if I need it, you're all nice and really funny. Which brings me to something else - If someone moves out of your house, they are still part of the family. Just because my brothers don't live with me, doesn't mean they are not brothers. It's the same for clan members leaving us. Cullen, iRookie and everyone else will still post here. They are still with us, just not in the same house. The only difference it makes having them not in the clan is just clan events, which sure TGS was godly at, but it only really happens once or twice a year. - It's not a big deal.
So everyone, hate to break it, but Orko wont come back. Trust me, I've tried - However, he is still here, he still posts here as often as he did and I know he still likes everyone here no different. I mean, it's not like he's dead or you guys still can't hang with him in game / skype / steam...etc
At the end of the day, I promised him I would stand by him no matter what he did, and I will keep that. So if any of you have animosity towards him for leaving, drop it. I know I felt a bit hurt by it, but now... It doesn't bother me, I'm still talking to him the exact same amount, the only difference is instead of typing /sa tgs to find him in-game. I have to type /sa [t to find him and tgs people.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is - We are all still TGS, even if not tagged up as it. As soon as I realised that, I came back, I had no reason to leave any more. I still love all you guys + It was really weird looking at my in-game name and not seeing [TGS]Nyann. That was annoying me the most. However, I'm glad to be back, I'm glad to be welcomed back and I will stay here until TGS disbands. If that's in a week, so be it. If it's in 3 years, so be it. I'm here with you guys now. So here's to you, TGS. I love you all. It's been a hell of a ride so far, so lets keep going boys.

And here's to Shmevin. I know a lot of people have given you a hard time over this whole thing, myself included. But you really are a good person and it is difficult to take over a clan that a lot of the people were only here due to being friends with Orko, but you are a great guy shmevin, and somewhere along this time in TGS, you became one of my trusting friends, so I won't let you down.

edit: post number 6669 ... heh

Ryan will be remembered.
Originally Posted by Liar View Post
chaney will come back no matter how many pizzas it takes.

you're still in pizza debt to me