Ouh, gr8 that you finished exams I have English thing to write tomorrow (no, I didn't screw
someting up, it's additional thing) so gl to me okno. Also, Onsola, would you let me co-host this tourney? You know GameMaster stuff
Ofc it's your decision.

Any topics maybe?

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
hahaha grus. nice joke. i'm co hosting nigga. you gotta deal with it
lol grus be like 'feelsbadman'

funny how i still have exams going on but nobody said anything
fuck you guys

oh and yes onsola, i have a global black market/scam empire
im planning to expand it to toribash

nah but seriously i felt so fucking good when i earned 90k that night
with blackjack and hookers
WARNING: If you do not like Call Of Duty Zombies you will not like this song!

"Many Men"
Iniquity Rhymes
Prod. Black Light Music

Many Men..Many, many, many, Many Men
Wish death 'pon me - Lord, I don't cry no more
Don't look to the sky no more, have mercy on me
Have mercy on my soul, somewhere my heart turned cold
Have mercy on Many Men
Many, many, many, Many Men
Wish death upon me

Now I know I kept you waiting
That's over though and it's time we kill
With Zombies back, just know I'll relax
Oh, last year? A tease, but this time it's real
The journey began, though Never Forgetten
We felt lost without it, it seemed
We'd Welcome them Home, then shortly they'd go
We were all left without 'em, left out in the deep
But now they're back again
High round survivor, yeah I'll be one
Enter the Shadows of Evil
No greed, here take a stick of this Gobblegum
Paint The Rift with our zombie love
Share the Junction thats window's mine
Hit up the Perk-a-Cola and work 'em over with Widow's Wine!
The time has come, it's dejavu but now in our largest COD
Let's open up all the Harvest Pods, no Parasite will see day
Believe we'll Pack a Punch and see Ray..Guns
We'll rack 'em up, no delay
We'll become The Beast, we'll Nuke and they'll flee
My R.A.P.S on fleek, not up for debate
There's Many Men

Ready up boys, laces on
If you aint hitting the high rounds, well then your pace is wrong
No time to yield so grab your Rocket Shield
Be sure to rock the field until your trace is gone
No time for the Margwa now
Got Max Ammo now, better calm me down
When misery knocks, hit the Mystery Box
Hear the victory shots when our history locks, yo!
These hordes? His to kill
Please Lord, hit me with the mighty Instakill
Lead your best men to my wrath of pain
Until I wrap the train around and feel the thrill
Be sure to get some rest
We floored every zombie, homie, we're the best
Flee more yo we'll never stop
Gore! Yeah we'll sever knots
Corpse will forever rot, smear the guests, ha!
It's our lucky day, Fire Sale!
I like the chest but I really do admire tail
Not sure what that has to do anything
But I'd bet anything that you're incredibly inspired
Plead for your life or not
Either way I'm gonna take it
Yeah I knife a lot
Decor with your guts and brains
Roar! Make you love the pain
I'm glad you're back
It's really nice, my god!
We waited way too long, we're glad that you've returned
And we look forward to our future encounters
It's time we've earned our prize at last
I reminisce, many memories, we had many then
Now times have changed, I won't give mercy to the Many Men

Get your Wonder Weapons aimed at all swarms of zombies
We've come to fight
Now there's Many Men who want me dead
So we must defend and do what is right
It may sound weird, I pay my respects to zombies
Across the land
Purple Army, watch as we stand
We all march with pride cause we can
Many Men


P.S. You will only get what this song talks about if you played Call Of Duty Blackops 1/2/3 I know this is a random post but I needed something to post about :P <3 <3 <3
Last edited by Dominic; Mar 5, 2016 at 11:26 AM.
Toribash? completed it mate

Originally Posted by HaHaLOLOL View Post
"Many Men"
Iniquity Rhymes
Prod. Black Light Music

Many Men..Many, many, many, Many Men
Wish death 'pon me - Lord, I don't cry no more
Don't look to the sky no more, have mercy on me
Have mercy on my soul, somewhere my heart turned cold
Have mercy on Many Men
Many, many, many, Many Men
Wish death upon me

Now I know I kept you waiting
That's over though and it's time we kill
With Zombies back, just know I'll relax
Oh, last year? A tease, but this time it's real
The journey began, though Never Forgetten
We felt lost without it, it seemed
We'd Welcome them Home, then shortly they'd go
We were all left without 'em, left out in the deep
But now they're back again
High round survivor, yeah I'll be one
Enter the Shadows of Evil
No greed, here take a stick of this Gobblegum
Paint The Rift with our zombie love
Share the Junction thats window's mine
Hit up the Perk-a-Cola and work 'em over with Widow's Wine!
The time has come, it's dejavu but now in our largest COD
Let's open up all the Harvest Pods, no Parasite will see day
Believe we'll Pack a Punch and see Ray..Guns
We'll rack 'em up, no delay
We'll become The Beast, we'll Nuke and they'll flee
My R.A.P.S on fleek, not up for debate
There's Many Men

Ready up boys, laces on
If you aint hitting the high rounds, well then your pace is wrong
No time to yield so grab your Rocket Shield
Be sure to rock the field until your trace is gone
No time for the Margwa now
Got Max Ammo now, better calm me down
When misery knocks, hit the Mystery Box
Hear the victory shots when our history locks, yo!
These hordes? His to kill
Please Lord, hit me with the mighty Instakill
Lead your best men to my wrath of pain
Until I wrap the train around and feel the thrill
Be sure to get some rest
We floored every zombie, homie, we're the best
Flee more yo we'll never stop
Gore! Yeah we'll sever knots
Corpse will forever rot, smear the guests, ha!
It's our lucky day, Fire Sale!
I like the chest but I really do admire tail
Not sure what that has to do anything
But I'd bet anything that you're incredibly inspired
Plead for your life or not
Either way I'm gonna take it
Yeah I knife a lot
Decor with your guts and brains
Roar! Make you love the pain
I'm glad you're back
It's really nice, my god!
We waited way too long, we're glad that you've returned
And we look forward to our future encounters
It's time we've earned our prize at last
I reminisce, many memories, we had many then
Now times have changed, I won't give mercy to the Many Men

Get your Wonder Weapons aimed at all swarms of zombies
We've come to fight
Now there's Many Men who want me dead
So we must defend and do what is right
It may sound weird, I pay my respects to zombies
Across the land
Purple Army, watch as we stand
We all march with pride cause we can
Many Men

Permission to post the song link pls?

P.S. You will only get what this song talks about if you played Call Of Duty Blackops 1/2/3 I know this is a random post but I needed something to post about :P <3 <3 <3

Sure. You can post any music or any video.

Okey guys i will be on game recruiting more people.

I wont accept people that in not black belt or more.

mau if you want recruit with me
Guys, i have to tell you about what happened yestersday, it was probably the most intence event that has happened to me, simply because of the sheer terror i felt during the whole experience, it's quite a funny story:

So my moms friend is coming to stay with us until sunday, she came yesterday (thursday) evening at 9.

Anyway, two or so hours before my mom said to me
"Hey, can you run up to the attic and get our mattresses so i have something to sleep on"
You see, moms is getting to sleep in my moms bedroom, so she will sleep in the living room.

So she gives me two keys, one for the attic door and one for the padlock to our storage. We live in a an apartment in a house with four stories, and the attic on top, we live at the bottom, so i dicide to take the elevator.

We have a ye'ol'e'timey elevator that has an entrance door, but inside of that door it also has theese metal bars that you have to slide to the side in order to enter. It is about one square meter large (floor surface) so there's not much room in it. Anyway, between the metal bars, and the door there is a junction between the elevator and the rest of the house (So as to separeate the elevator from the house, because the purpose of an elevator is to transport things up and down the house, so if it where itself welded to the house it would be pretty useless.) And this junction is about one centimeter wide, and if you shine a flashlight down it you can see the botom of the elevator shaft.
Something that i would call a large design-flaw in this elevator is that this junction gets quite a bit larger when it comes to one of the corners, soething like five to eight centimeters wide.
So i go to the elevator, i press the little button, and the elevator comes down to me. I open the glass door, and slide the metal bars to the side. WHen i have entered the elevator i close the door behind me, and slide the metal bars shut. It is at this point one of my worst fears becomes a reality, you see, i easily forget things, so if i am handed an important item, such as cash, a cellphone or keys, and i really don't want to place them somewhere and then forget where i put them, i simply hold them firmly in my hand, and if you have payed some attention you will remember that i recieved two keys from my mom before i left for the elevator.

I believe you know where this is going? Anyway i am still going to continue:

I held the two keys (they where really key rings with multiple keys on each, but for simplicity i'll continue just calling them two keys, not two key rings.) in my right hand, the very same hand i used to slide the bars shut. When i pressed the bars into the side of the elevator so as to lock them in place, the shock from the impact shook my hand (which was my right hand, and i'm a leftie, so i already have less control over it) so i dropped one of the keys, which ofcourse happened to be just over the five to eight cm wide gap at the corner of the elevator.
IT all went really fast, i just had time to see the keys fall, and hit the side of the gap before dissapearing into the dark void that was the elevator shaft.
Instinctively i scramed "NO, NO, NOOO!" but it didn't help that i was screaming.
The thing that scared me was not so much that the keys was gone forever, but more the reaction my mom would get when she found out.
For the first 2 seconds after the keys dissapeared i believed they where lost forever, but i calmed down pretty quickly, and thought to myself: "The keys must still be down at the bottom of the elevator shaft, so if i take the elevator to the basement floor, i might be able to just pick them up."
So i did, but soon realized that it was a futal effort, since it was darker than a black bulls ass on a moonless prairre night in the elevator shaft. So i knw i atleast needed a flashlight to see something.
So now i also knew that to get the flashlight i would need to return into the appartment, where my mother was, and i was going to have to tell her what had happened.
So i walk through the door, and she says: "That went quick, did you bring the mattresses?" The period of time that flowed by between her statement to her reaction to what my serponse would be, was one of the most, if not THE most scary moments of my life. SO i tell the story of what has happened, and she gets stunned for a second or two and then starts with here comments: "What did you do, you can't do anything! You can't handle anything, Whats wrong with you!" You know, regular mom-comments, so i try to stay calm, because panic has never helped anyone, so i say, well, i have a plan on how to fix this, i need some steel-wire and a flashlight. Ofcourse she continues overeacting, and says things like "You just can't do fucking anything, not even go up to the attic withouh fucking up!" Eventually she complies in helping me to find sime wire and the flashlight. I have a very good flashlight that i use when i go scuba-diving, so it has a very good glow to be able to cut through the dark waters of scandinavia, so i take it down along with the steel wire to the bottom most floor. But soon realise that the key is two far down, about a meter or so, to be reached with steel wire of this quality, i would either need stronger wire or something else, so after about 10 minutes of fidlefucking around with different solutions, and my mother yelling at me and stressing me out certainly didn't help, but you know i mostly ignore her. Anyway, after about 15 minutes one of my neighbors comes out of his apartment and see my laying on my chest infront of the elevator shaft trying to fish up the keys using chewing gum and a long ruler. He says: "I have a magnet that you can borrow, it's pretty strong" So we get to an agreement that when i'm done with them magnet i will give it back to him through his mailbox, and he gets me the magnet, i duct-tape it to the ruler and lowers it down the shaft. It was really hard to aim such a device in a cramped space, so i have to use both my hands to do so, and now ofcourse i can't hold the flashlight, so i blindly fumble around with this long stick with a magnet at the end of it. After only about three seconds of fumbling i sense that the stick suddnely jerks, and becomes a bit heavier, and that, ladies and gentlemen was one of the happiest moments of my life. I pull up the long stick, to find the keys stuck on the magnet.

So that was my story of my most intence moment so far.
Thanks for the compliments Onsola, i will be sure to take your advice, also, hi poilu and my opinion bout the replay thing? Yes, give him the price, he was best so do it.
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
i want to introduce a new topic: you think toribash game/forums is a good way of learning a new language?
for me i think it is,first time i played tb(i was about 11 years old) i already knew the basic of english(not enought for comunication),after years playing i can perfectly talk with other people from english countries,i played too much with english people,i got alot of more experience in english after the community,i started posting alot,off-topic and arts.
in my theory,if you know at least the basic of an language,play with people of those language,they will correct you errors,and you wil know new words,as well some new memes(i didnt knew of memes like "yeah science","party hard","o rly"),some shorter words meaning(like lol,lmao,gg,wht,fr,ftw etc.) and the language itself.(basically the only memes we use there is HU3BR and some others that i forgot(didnt used much these)).
what you guys think?

Yes, obiouslly that yes. I learn the most english in here.

Is so really cool cuz you get fun and learn more.

Idk what do you think...